Intimate hygiene is an integral component of personal health and self-care, helping prevent infections from bacteria or itching while supporting healthy flora and maintaining comfortable, healthy intimate skin.
Feminine hygiene products such as washes, wipes and lubricants help balance pH levels to alleviate itching, infections and discomforts caused by hormonal changes such as menstruation.
Vaginal Infections
Infections of the vulva and vagina can occur when organisms like bacteria, yeast or viruses come in contact with sensitive tissues like the vulva or vagina. When these organisms cause inflammation they can result in infections like bacterial vaginosis and thrush that most commonly plague women today.
Vaginal infections often manifest themselves through itchy or smelly discharge and soreness in the vulva and genital area, as well as pain when peeing (dysuria) or burning sensation when urinating (burning sensation). Unfortunately, however, not every infection causes symptoms and without a medical exam to detect inflammation within the vulva it may be difficult to accurately diagnose these infections.
If you experience symptoms similar to these, try switching up your hygiene products – like feminine wash, moisturizing intimate care wipes and skin products – for pH-balanced versions that can soothe both vulva and skin. If they still persist, speak to your physician about possible allergies in other forms such as soaps, laundry detergents, bath additives, deodorants or vaginal washes that might be responsible.
Cleanliness around the vulva and vagina is essential to intimate hygiene, including daily washing with gentle products like Sirona’s Intimate Wash to eliminate unwanted odor, itching and irritation. Intimate care products also help balance pH levels in this delicate area by encouraging healthy bacteria growth and keeping pH balanced for maximum comfort.
Avoid douching, bathing with soaps that alter vaginal pH levels and over-exfoliating the area; these practices can dry out sensitive skin. Instead, use a cleanser specially tailored for intimate areas that is free from soap, dyes and fragrances for best results.
Moisturizing cream for vagina and vulva may also help. Similar to face or body moisturizers, they can help address dryness. You could also consider including some foreplay into sexual activities so your intimate areas receive enough lubrication and make intimacy more pleasurable.
Itching in the vagina is a common complaint and may be caused by several different issues, including mycoses or infection from some vulvovaginal infections; or as a reaction to products designed for hygiene such as shower gels that don’t comply with vaginal pH requirements – products like these could alter its pH balance significantly and lead to discomfort for women using them.
Intimate care products are specially-designed for use on sensitive genital areas and help keep the vulva clean, soft, and balanced. Washes, wipes, and lotions designed specifically to care for intimate areas help create an environment conducive to healthy microflora growth.
Change of underwear regularly, daily bath or shower, cornstarch-based unscented body powder use and deodorant that is safe for the vagina will all help to alleviate itching in the vagina and vulva region. If itching persists beyond these measures, consulting a physician about personalized solutions for treatment might also be recommended.
Irritation to the skin in the vagina or vulva may result from friction as well as products like soaps and lubricants; or it could even be the result of an allergic reaction to latex materials.
Intimate care products can help alleviate irritation by preventing infections and relieving itchy skin. When choosing intimate care products, make sure they have been tested specifically on the vulva area; look out for those containing natural ingredients such as tea tree oil to soothe inflammation or chamomile to ease itching.
Sirona Femi Daily intimate wash is designed specifically to address itching in the vulva, offering both cleansing and antimicrobial benefits that help prevent infections, dryness and unpleasant odors in this sensitive area. You can use its foams in the shower and wipes while traveling – providing relief wherever life takes you!