Supplements are often an upbeat topic of debate in sport and some can even waste their money, yet when used appropriately they can enhance performance and help achieve goals more quickly.
Protein powders are an ideal way to increase protein levels, repair muscles and speed recovery. One of the top-selling workout supplements, Creatine has been shown to increase endurance while simultaneously decreasing fatigue levels.
Pre-Workout Supplements
Pre-workout supplements are performance boosters designed to optimize exercise before and during practice. As opposed to protein powder, which aids recovery after workouts, pre-workout supplements should be consumed prior to working out for maximum benefits.
These products often combine a blend of ingredients such as creatine, amino acids and caffeine for maximum muscle strengthening and power development. Furthermore, these may help relieve fatigue by aiding recovery while helping prevent soreness in muscle groups.
Creatine, a widely used ingredient, directly impacts ATP production in your body and can increase your ability to lift more or jump higher. Beta-alanine, L-citrulline and Phosphatidylserine are other popular pre-workout supplements which support energy production at cellular level; some pre-workouts even come equipped with added electrolytes for dehydration prevention and performance enhancement – it’s best if you look for NSF Certified products to ensure high-quality ingredients!
Post-Workout Supplements
After an intense gym session, supplementation can be invaluable in aiding recovery faster and achieving faster results. Post-workout supplements often contain both carbohydrates and proteins for maximum recovery; carbohydrates replenish depleted glycogen stores to rebuild muscles while protein kicks-start muscle protein synthesis for increased lean muscle mass and enhanced athletic performance.
Additionally, many post-workout supplements contain Rhodiola extract to combat fatigue and promote endurance and electrolytes to maintain hydration such as calcium, potassium, and sodium to keep you hydrated during workouts.
Other ingredients, like branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine), may help to inhibit muscle mass breakdown while increasing performance and recovery. Although supplements may offer benefits in this regard, no supplement can fully replace a healthy diet and adequate sleep; in order to reach fitness goals it requires dedication and consistent effort; adding pre-workout or post-workout supplements might make workouts a bit more intense; the real game changer lies within hard work itself.
Energy Supplements
Supplements and vitamins may assist athletes in attaining greater results, yet according to research conducted by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association these benefits tend to only apply to highly trained elite athletes; their use may not benefit recreational exercisers engaging in moderate levels of physical activity [1].
Creatine monohydrate and whey protein are among the most widely used energy supplements. Both nutrients increase nitric oxide production to combat muscle soreness and fatigue, while Ashwagandha is another natural ingredient commonly utilized to relieve stress, increase energy and improve cognitive performance.
B vitamins, L-tyrosine and coenzyme Q10 are other commonly found ingredients. As antioxidants they support cellular energy production and combat exercise-related fatigue. Unfortunately these nutrient supplements may also cause digestive discomfort, sleep disturbances and allergic reactions so it’s essential that labels be read thoroughly prior to using any stimulant-based energy supplements that could lead to side effects like jitteriness and increased heart rate if taken close to bedtime – more so if caffeine-based energy supplements are involved as this could increase heart rate as well.
Recovery Supplements
No matter your sport or training goals, an effective recovery supplement plan is key to reaching them. When weightlifting, bodybuilding or engaging in high intensity sports like running and cycling, muscles will use up their glycogen stores while breaking down proteins resulting in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).
These are among the many reasons why athletes use various supplements to speed their recovery from exercise faster and improve performance. Professional athletes may take several types of supplements together such as protein, creatine and antioxidants.
When selecting a recovery supplement, look for one made with quality ingredients that has been third-party tested. When making your selection, take into consideration its form – powder, capsule, or drink and how easily you can consume on-the-go – as well as making sure it does not contain stimulants, steroids, hormone-like ingredients or controlled substances that could pose risks or prescription drugs.