Enhancing quality of life doesn’t rest solely with making sure there is food on the table and somewhere comfortable to sleep (although those are important aspects). It involves more than simply material goods.
Find ways to add meaning and purpose to your daily activities by finding ways to add more meaning and purpose into them. Below are just a few ways that this can happen: 1. Build and sustain relationships
1. Invest in yourself
Investing in yourself can be one of the most critical actions to improve your quality of life. Doing this involves dedicating both your time and energy to developing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and intellectually – creating new opportunities and success along the way.
Learning new skills or taking classes to develop an interest can give you a sense of achievement and fulfillment, while increasing confidence levels which may lead to improved relationships.
Investing in yourself can also help you earn more money. Learning new skills may qualify you for higher-paying jobs – essential steps in today’s challenging economy to maintain your quality of life while developing yourself further. Plus, developing new abilities is fun and fulfilling!
2. Practice gratitude
Studies have demonstrated that people who practice gratitude tend to exhibit greater positivity and optimism than those who don’t, both healthy individuals as well as those struggling with mental health concerns.
Practice of gratitude can help us combat negative emotions such as envy and cynicism, while simultaneously diminishing narcissism by helping us recognize all that we already possess rather than focussing solely on what’s missing from life.
Gratitude doesn’t involve seeing life through rose-colored glasses or dismissing its difficulties; rather, it involves finding ways to appreciate both its highs and lows. UMGC suggests practicing gratitude by writing down five things you’re thankful for, performing acts of kindness like picking up litter or paying it forward and practicing kindness acts such as doing community service work or paying it forward.
3. Exercise daily
Physical activity is one of the best things you can do for yourself – not only will it improve your quality of life immediately but it may also prevent future diseases and conditions as you age.
Studies show that regular physical exercise can significantly lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, while simultaneously improving self-esteem, mood, and sleep quality.
Strive to incorporate at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most days of the week. Starting small may help, such as taking several 15-minute walks each day. Gradually increase time and intensity until it becomes part of your daily routine – doing this may seem challenging but its rewards make it worth your while!
4. Make time for yourself
Life can be hectic. Between work, chores, socializing with friends, family time and prioritizing time for yourself it can become increasingly challenging to find time for just yourself. If guilt arises over taking this time for yourself then do some soul searching – you deserve this time for yourself.
Spending some quality alone time can significantly benefit your mental health, providing space to reflect and clear away mental clutter. Furthermore, alone time provides the perfect way to unleash your creative side; many renowned artists and authors used solitude as the catalyst behind their most powerful works of art.
There are various ways you can enhance the quality of your life, but starting where you are is key in order to make small yet impactful changes daily and live a happier and healthier existence.
5. Take care of your health
Caretaking of one’s health is central to improving quality of life. Poor health can adversely impact happiness, cause unnecessary stress, and make work or leisure activities harder to enjoy.
Although increasing income can certainly improve quality of life, it’s equally important to focus on other areas. Health, happiness, vitality and leisure can all be enhanced through practicing good habits.
Healthy relationships, positive attitudes, sufficient rest and physical activity, as well as eating nutritious food all help contribute to a high quality of life. If you want more insight into this matter, check out this episode of The Very Well Mind podcast or reach out to one of our psychologists to schedule an appointment.