Gummy vitamins often contain too much sugar, which can contribute to weight gain, heart disease and other health issues. Furthermore, many of them also contain sugar alcohols which may lead to digestive issues like nausea and bloating.
Iron deficiency anemia can affect young children and pregnant women at increased risk, so having access to foods rich in iron may be especially crucial in these situations.
They taste good
Gummy vitamins offer an enjoyable alternative to swallowing pills, yet some contain additional ingredients that could harm your health. Some gummy vitamins contain carmine, an ingredient derived from dried insect bodies – an issue for vegans or people avoiding animal products for ethical or religious reasons. Furthermore, beeswax often used in these gummies may trigger allergic reactions in some individuals.
Gummy vitamins without added sugar still contain citric acid, which promotes tooth decay and feeds bacteria. Therefore, it’s advisable to drink plenty of water after taking these chewables as this will help wash away bacteria from your teeth and protect against cavities. Parents should keep an eye on their children’s gummy vitamin consumption since these chewables could easily be mistaken for candy and lead to unhealthy eating habits; additionally many gummy vitamins contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which could be problematic if their consumption may cause environmental or ethical concerns.
They’re easier to take
As Mary Poppins told us, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down more easily.” Gummy vitamins provide an easy alternative to traditional pills for people who struggle swallowing or chewing them.
Oatmeal-flavored supplements also make it easier to form a vitamin routine, since their fun shapes make taking them more likely. As a result, you’re more likely to remember taking them regularly and get maximum value out of your supplements.
Gummy vitamins come with one major drawback: most are loaded with added sugar. Even products marketed as “sugar-free” contain between 3-7 grams per serving, which quickly adds up if you take multiple pills daily or regularly consume foods and drinks that contain added sweeteners. Furthermore, many are made with fructose syrup or sugar alcohols which can cause digestive upset for some individuals; to avoid this situation altogether look for independently tested formulas with no added sugars such as high fructose corn syrup and clinically studied amounts of nutrients that contain independently tested amounts of nutrients per doses nutrient amounts formulated without high fructose corn syrup added and clinically studied amounts of nutrients for best results.
They fill in nutritional gaps
Gummy vitamins can provide your body with essential vitamins and nutrients needed for strong bones, heart health, digestion, energy production and immune support.
Keep in mind, however, that gummy vitamins should not replace a balanced diet. They typically contain sugar as well as ingredients which could pose risks to some individuals – like animal gelatin (derived from animal ligaments and bones), artificial colors and flavors.
Gummy vitamins should always be stored safely out of reach of children to avoid an accidental overdose; too many gummies could lead to vitamin overdose; fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K in particular should never be taken in excess. Furthermore, some gummy vitamins contain glucose syrup which contributes to tooth decay and promotes bacteria growth; it is thus essential to check labels carefully prior to taking gummy vitamins.
They’re convenient
Gummy vitamins can make taking their daily vitamins easier for busy individuals with packed schedules, as taking the gummies instead of tablets or capsules may be more convenient than other forms.
However, it’s essential to read labels carefully when purchasing gummy vitamins as many contain added sugars (commonly listed as corn syrup, glucose syrup, cane syrup or sucrose) and artificial colors that may lead to weight gain and dental issues. Consuming too much sugar could cause dental decay as well.
Additionally, many gummy vitamins contain citric acid as a sweetener which can wear away tooth enamel and contribute to cavities. Parents should choose vitamins made without added sugar and which contain clinically studied amounts of nutrients.
Gummy vitamins offer an easy and convenient way to obtain essential nutrients, but for optimal nutrition it’s still best to consume a wide range of whole foods and strive for nutritional balance. Speak to your physician about what supplements may be appropriate, and make sure to consult a dentist prior to including new items into your diet.