The ideal dose of CBD depends on what conditions and symptoms you’re treating, as well as your individual chemistry and tolerance levels.
A 2022 Nature study demonstrated that participants taking 150 mg oral CBD before participating in a simulated public speaking exam experienced significantly less stress. By comparison, those given placebo experienced greater levels of anxiety.
How to Determine the Right Dose
No one reacts the same to CBD, making finding your ideal dose a process requiring patience and gradual adjustment.
Most individuals should start off by taking 0.25mg per pound of their bodyweight each day – so, for instance, someone weighing 120lbs would need 30mg (0.25×120=30).
This calculation can be tailored to meet specific conditions, for instance if your aim is to reduce anxiety rather than manage PTSD symptoms. Furthermore, consider any existing medications which may reduce or increase the effectiveness of CBD, such as antidepressants. A person taking one may require higher dosage than someone not on any psychiatric medications.
Determine Your Symptoms
CBD may help ease anxiety and stress, yet how it works for each individual can vary widely. Experimentation to find your ideal dose may be required in order to reach relief from anxiety or pain.
Take into consideration any medications you are already taking. CBD may interact with certain drugs and alter the amount of them found in your bloodstream; competing for enzymes needed to break down some, like blood thinners and antiepileptic medicines.
If you are currently taking medication, discuss the potential benefits and risks of CBD with your doctor. They will be able to recommend an appropriate dosage depending on your weight, symptoms and concentration of the CBD product you’re using. When looking for products made in the U.S. which disclose their manufacturing practices and are third-party tested for purity; this ensures you’re receiving only top quality products available on the market; furthermore many manufacturers provide a certificate of analysis with every batch produced by them.
Dosage Journal
If you’re new to CBD, keeping a dosage journal may help you determine the ideal amount. By tracking how your body reacts to various doses and noting when you need to increase or decrease doses for desired results.
Noting the delivery method you choose may also prove helpful; capsules, oil droppers or gummies could take longer for your body to absorb than edible products such as cookies and brownies.
Outside treating anxiety, CBD can also provide relief for chronic pain, nausea, PTSD symptoms and addiction cravings. One study revealed that CBD significantly decreased cue-induced heroin cravings, resting heart rate and salivary cortisol levels among substance use disorder patients. According to preclinical research it can also extend life for people living with cancer such as glioblastoma while improving sleep in those who suffer from certain sleep disorders.
Start Slowly
Studies show CBD may help with anxiety, pain relief and nausea reduction. Furthermore, preclinical research shows it could assist those who struggle to sleep by helping them fall or stay asleep quickly while potentially mitigating side effects from certain cancer treatments.
CBD’s effectiveness depends on the product and delivery method selected, as well as your individual tolerance of it. Your healthcare provider should review what has worked in the past as well as explore benefits and risks of this new treatment before beginning with keeping a symptom journal to determine how your body responds.
The standard protocol recommends starting out by taking 5 mg of a balanced THC:CBD tincture or capsule twice daily and gradually increasing by 2.5-5 mg every 2-3 days until reaching 40 mg or reaching your desired outcome. A more conservative protocol offers similar dosage guidelines, but gradually increases your dosage over shorter intervals.