Organic labeled food and beauty products have the organic label on them to reduce exposure to pesticides, while providing you with more vitamins C, iron magnesium phosphorus than non-organic produce and meat, with less nitrates present than their non-organic counterparts.
Aleavia provides skin and body care products made from natural, organic ingredients that are non-GMO and eco-friendly! As a Certified B Corporation they produce their products.
Environmentally friendly
Organic food is grown without synthetic chemicals, providing protection from pesticides while supporting biodiversity in our environment. Organic farms also maximize soil nutrients while rotating crops to reduce insect infestation. Furthermore, no sewage sludge fertilizers are ever used on their fields for fertilizing their fields!
Studies have demonstrated that consumers who are more environmentally aware tend to purchase organic foods more readily; however, this link between environmental awareness and purchase intentions of organic food depends on perceived food quality and price sensitivity.
Organic produce contains more Vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus than conventional alternatives, while organic meat and dairy products have lower nitrate levels compared with their non-organic counterparts. Furthermore, there is no risk of bacterial contamination with organic foods as antibiotics aren’t administered during animal development.
No artificial ingredients
Organic products are grown, processed, and handled without synthetic chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or GMOs – in other words they’re free of preservatives like nitrates and phosphates which have been linked with health issues ranging from hormone imbalances and inhibited brain development all the way up to cancer and hormonal problems.
Organic farming techniques eliminate the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and livestock feed additives manufactured by humans, as well as radiation treatments or genetic modification of animal products.
US organic certification requirements stipulate that packaged food marketed as organic must contain at least 95% organic ingredients, while processed organic products must identify each organically produced ingredient in their ingredients statement and display both its percentage organic content as well as label of its certifying agent on their main display panel.
No antibiotics
Organic farms not only aim to reduce pollution and decrease chemical fertilizer needs, but they also work toward eliminating antibiotics from entering our food chain by not injecting organic meat with antibiotics and hormones, while their livestock live in conditions which accommodate their natural behavior. Furthermore, no GMO feed or sewage sludge are fed to these animals either.
Studies have linked organic food with reduced risks of infertility, allergies, birth defects and asthma. Furthermore, organic products promote biodiversity while decreasing pesticide residue exposure as well as antibiotic resistant bacteria exposure. Lastly, organic produce often offers more nutrition than non-organic offerings: fruit and vegetables rich in vitamin C, nitrates and minerals without synthetic additives present.
No pesticides
Organic foods are frequently touted as being free of pesticides and chemicals, yet this isn’t always true. Organic farming uses several pesticides – including Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) to kill worms and copper sulfate for fungal disease control – to protect its crops from insects and disease.
Studies have demonstrated that organic fruits and vegetables contain lower pesticide residue levels; however, these levels remain well within safe limits. Organic foods may contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their conventional counterparts.
Organic livestock cannot be fed antibiotics, which could contribute to resistant bacteria in humans. This is important because antibiotics weaken immune systems and make fighting off illness or infection harder.
No genetically modified organisms
Though their full benefits remain to be understood, research has demonstrated that organic foods can be healthier alternatives to non-organic alternatives. They’re free from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and more sustainable for our environment than their non-organic counterparts.
Organic farms must adhere to stringent rules regarding how they utilize water, soil, animals and pesticides; no synthetic fertilizers or growth hormones may be used; plus organic food cannot ever be irradiated!
When purchasing organic food, be sure to look for labels with “organic,” “non-GMO,” and/or “made with organic ingredients.” Organic products must contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients in order to qualify as such and undergo regular announced and unannounced inspections by certifiers, who also conduct tests for banned substances which will notify producers if there are violations.