Supplement use to build muscle strength and endurance and promote recovery is common among athletes; however, not all are seeking health or performance-based benefits from their supplement use.
Eating right, staying hydrated properly and getting adequate rest are more effective ways of improving athletic performance than any other technique.
Creatine is one of the best-researched and safe supplements available to athletes. In addition to increasing muscle strength and power, creatine has also been found to boost endurance levels and enhance resistance training benefits.
Creatine is a naturally-occurring compound found in meat and fish products. Although not considered an anabolic steroid, creatine is legal to use by most professional sports organizations including the National Collegiate Athletic Association; however it may cause short-term side effects including water retention and bloating.
Creatine supplements have long been utilized by sprint and power athletes as a means to build muscle mass, but researchers are beginning to investigate its use among endurance athletes as well. Studies suggest it may enhance glycogen storage, reduce fatigue levels, buffer rising blood pH levels and even aid in recovery.
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid produced naturally in your body and does not need to be obtained through diet alone. When combined with histamine it forms carnosine dipeptide carnosine which works to buffer lactic acid build-up during exercise and decrease its negative effects on muscles during activity.
This strategy allows athletes to push harder and longer before reaching fatigue, making this technique suitable for endurance as well as power athletes.
Beta-alanine is an all-natural amino acid and an ideal addition to any pre-workout supplement regimen. To maximize results, athletes should supplement with 4-6 grams daily; cycling your dose may enhance performance further as many studies show consuming it for 4-9 weeks on and off can increase performance even further – particularly beneficial if combined with taurine supplementation which works synergistically together.
Each time we take our morning Grande caramel latte, lunch Dairy Milk chocolate or cold and flu medications containing caffeine to aid our blocked noses, congestion, sore throats or general achyness, an ingredient you might not be thinking about is present – caffeine. Many athletes can benefit from adding caffeine into their diet prior to endurance-based exercises for improved performance enhancement.
Caffeine has the power to increase energy expenditure, reduce perceived effort and fatigue levels, improve reaction times, and accelerate fat oxidation during exercise. It does this by blocking adenosine neurotransmitter actions in the brain – though individual responses will differ depending on factors like their genotype of CYP1A2, intake levels over time and training status (see below). Therefore, it’s essential that individuals monitor their individual responses to caffeine in order to tailor it specifically to meet their individual needs.
Fish Oil
Fish oil supplements are made of certain varieties of fish which contain omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA, known to support muscle growth, reduce inflammation and joint pain, improve oxygen utilization during exercise and lessen fatigue during workouts.
Most people do not consume enough omega-3 fatty acids through diet alone, making supplementation of this healthy fat essential. Fish oil supplements come both capsule and liquid forms; for optimal performance it should be molecularly distilled as this allows your body to more readily absorb its benefits. You could also increase intake through high-quality protein powder.
Magnesium is an invaluable mineral for athletes, helping to increase energy, enhance muscle function, speed recovery, prevent cramps and safeguard muscles against injury by clearing away lactic acid while aiding calcium absorption and bone health.
Magnesium plays an integral part in helping the body use glucose efficiently and decrease fatigue by supporting healthy sleep patterns. Furthermore, magnesium regulates inflammatory responses and reduces post-exercise soreness by supporting antioxidant processes within cells. Finally, magnesium acts as an immune-system booster, protecting athletes against exercise-related illness that could compromise performance – taking a magnesium supplement can ensure you’re receiving enough magnesium in your daily diet for maximum athletic performance enhancing benefits. [1]