Functional foods have long been of interest to both consumers and industry stakeholders, though sales of the most recent major functional food product (plant sterol-containing spreads) may have fallen below expectations, their increased awareness and expanding database suggest future expansion.
Health Benefits
Hippocrates’ immortal tenet of “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” dates back over 2500 years; functional foods today represent an evolution of this ancient idea. Functional food ingredients possessing this capability can alter physiological functions when consumed at appropriate amounts and in regular diets.
Functional foods often contribute to improved health by way of their bioactive compounds, which could come from either plants or animals, like probiotics – live microorganisms that provide positive health effects when eaten.
Prebiotics, non-digestible carbohydrates that promote beneficial bacteria in the colon, are another group of biologically active foods. Prebiotics are usually included as part of high-fiber foods like unrefined grains and yoghurt; for maximum effectiveness in health benefits from functional foods it is best to combine regular consumption with an appropriate diet and physical activity regimen.
Regulatory Requirements
Functional foods must meet several regulatory requirements before reaching the market, such as clear definition and understanding among food scientists and nutritionists; standards and classification of functional foods; safety evaluation; scientific validation of health benefits claimed to them and appropriate dietary advice based on these claims;
Consumers must be properly informed about the physiological functions and potential health benefits of food to prevent unsubstantiated claims and establish optimal intake levels through clinical trials conducted on humans.
Categorization of functional food products is of utmost importance for successful business. It dictates how a company approaches every aspect of product creation and sales – formulation, production and marketing of their product lines. Husch Blackwell can assist your team in selecting an appropriate category and staying up to date on legal developments that impact functional foods – get in touch today to begin this process!
Marketing Claims
Food manufacturers can increase sales of functional foods by including health claims on their products, whether explicit (such as “rich in vitamin C”) or vague (“strengthens the immune system”).
Consumer engagement is essential to the success of marketing claims for products like these. An effective communication plan would involve using multiple channels to engage consumers and build trust.
Taiwan, where medical resources are limited, presents particular dangers from diet fads and false advertisements; to minimise these risks food manufacturers must create marketing strategies tailored specifically for certain consumer segments.
Recent research analysed the effects of different involvement types on purchase intention for functional foods with health claims such as nutrition, health and disease risk reduction. Product and advertising involvement positively influence purchase intentions through mediation by situational involvement while nutrition claims had more of an effect than health and disease risk reduction claims in terms of their influence on buying intentions.
Future Trends
As consumers become more educated on the relationship between diet and health, and foods claiming to support specific body functions, more are willing to pay premium prices for such foods. Manufacturers must take great care in providing truthful health claims.
Probiotics found in yogurt and fermented foods promote gut health, while antioxidants found in berries and leafy greens protect cells against damage. Dietary fiber from whole grains, legumes and fruit regulate blood sugar levels while protein powders and sports nutrition products enhance athletic performance.
Other trends, including an increase in plant-based options, cognitive health boosters and adaptogens as well as collagen-infused protein powders and bars have provided further opportunities for the functional industry to thrive. Furthermore, working closely with scientists is necessary to take advantage of such opportunities effectively.