Organic ingredients are produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers – this practice promotes soil health, reduces water pollution and supports biodiversity preservation.
Organic ingredients have many other advantages as well, beyond immediate health benefits: They also contribute to sustainable farming practices on small-scale farms. Their presence also has long-term environmental preservation implications.
No Pesticides or Fertilizers
Organic ingredients ensure you’re free from toxic synthetic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers which leave toxic residue on produce – potentially leading to serious health complications.
The National List only permits certain natural materials such as strychnine or arsenic to be used organic production, so ingredients not on it can only become certified through petition.
No Animal Testing
Organic ingredient companies tend to support cruelty-free products and do not test on animals. This can lead to reduced use of harsh chemicals that could reduce allergic reactions or irritations in users.
Companies increasingly turn to computer modeling or human volunteer studies as alternatives to animal testing; these methods tend to be faster and more accurate.
No Chemicals
Natural does not equal non-toxic (consider venom, poisonous mushrooms and even the chemical that gives peppers their spicy heat). To be considered organic, foods and ingredients must not contain any substances listed on the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances.
Skin care products containing only organic ingredients may carry the “organic” or “made with organic” label and provide details regarding their percentage of organic content on their information panel.
No Genetic Engineering
Organic ingredients cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Products made using organic farming techniques must not use GMO seeds or crops during cultivation and processing.
Organic certifiers often express concern about GMOs. Some ingredients that raise red flags include food flavors and xanthan gum – ingredients which may be difficult to source organically or non-GMO. Furthermore, their transport and processing often takes too much time before reaching our plates.
No Animal By-Products
Products labeled organic must meet National Organic Standards, which lay out guidelines for crops, livestock and multi-ingredient foods. NSF/ANSI 305 establishes standards for personal care products containing organic ingredients.
Organic ingredients are grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers – an approach which protects soil health while simultaneously supporting biodiversity conservation efforts and animal welfare policies. Organic food production also prioritizes ethical animal welfare practices.
No Antibiotics
Organic ingredients do not contain antibiotics used in animal feed, helping reduce the growth of dangerous bacteria that could potentially lead to antibiotic resistance in humans.
By choosing products made with organic ingredients, consumers support small-scale farmers and promote sustainable agricultural practices – helping combat climate change, protect local biodiversity, promote community health and provide better flavor experiences! Plus organic ingredients often offer greater nutrition.
No Artificial Colors or Flavors
There are five basic tastes, which include bitter, salty, sour and sweet. Organic ingredients must contain only natural flavors.
Third-party certifiers conduct rigorous announced and unannounced inspections to verify whether products meet organic standards. Organic ingredients must undergo stringent tests for pesticide residues, sewage sludge contamination, bioengineering practices and genetically modified organisms before being certified as organic. Processed products that include multiple-ingredient agriculture may feature labels declaring them organic with their respective certifier’s mark on them as proof.
No Artificial Preservatives
Organic ingredients contain no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors and come from farms which support healthier livestock while treating the environment with care.
Products certified 100% organic must contain only organically produced ingredients and processing aids, with water and salt excluded. A product can still be labeled “Made with Organic” if at least 70 percent of its ingredients come from organic farms.
No Artificial Sweeteners
Organic industry, natural sweeteners are those derived from plants themselves; however, they may undergo considerable processing and refinement prior to being sold as ingredients.
Products labeled as organic must display on their information panel the name and contact information for a USDA-accredited certifier, or use phrases such as “organically grown.” Organic processed food must contain at least 70% organic ingredients.
No Minerals
Organic ingredients offer many advantages over their conventional counterparts, including not containing preservatives and possessing higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, they’re produced on smaller farms which adhere to more stringent environmental standards while treating their livestock with dignity and respect.
Multi-ingredient organic products that contain 70% or more certified organic ingredients (excluding salt and water) may qualify for labeling as organic or bear a USDA seal, thereby labelling themselves “organic.” Note that organic ingredients do not contain synthetic vitamins and minerals.