CBD, extracted from the cannabis sativa L plant, has become a widely sought after natural treatment option for numerous medical issues. Research shows that it can ease symptoms while improving functioning.
CBD appears to act as an antagonist at the CB1 receptor and may increase anandamide availability, providing anti-inflammatory relief and inhibiting fatty acid amide hydrolase activity.
CBD is often advertised as an anti-anxiety supplement. Although a few small studies suggest it can decrease anxiety, more research needs to be conducted on its efficacy in terms of improving sleep and depression – the results may differ between individuals.
Preclinical evidence supports systemic CBD as an acute treatment for GAD, SAD, PD, OCD, and PTSD. CBD helps decrease arousal levels as well as anticipation anxiety associated with experimentally induced stressors; additionally it blocks reconsolidation of fear responses while simultaneously improving extinction processes.
CBD’s anxiolytic effects in psychiatric conditions seem to involve 5-HT1AR and GABAA receptor activation as well as medial prefrontal cortex-amygdala connectivity. Furthermore, CBD prevents chronic unpredictable stress from producing long-term anxiogenic effects and increases hippocampal AEA; additionally it prevents reactivation of conditioned fear responses following exposure to threatening stimuli and enhances extinction in EPM model; it significantly reduced reactivity to boa constrictor snake in VCT model — possibly via CB1R/5HT1AR activation!
CBD’s antidepressant effects stem largely from its ability to decrease stress levels, which has an inexorable link with depression. Long-term high levels of stress have been linked with decreased serotonin production – increasing your likelihood of depression.
Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CBD in increasing serotonin levels and treating issues associated with depression, such as anxiety, poor sleep quality and nutritional deficiencies. A 2014 study also indicated that CBD interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain to produce antidepressant and antianxiety effects.
A 2022 study concluded that CBD helped alleviate depression and anxiety among those diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This effect was especially apparent among those who experienced repeated depressive episodes, an often-observed trait of this condition.
While CBD may be effective as an antidepressant, it should never be seen as a replacement for prescription. Abruptly discontinuing medication can have severe repercussions. Always consult with a healthcare provider in order to devise the optimal plan of care for yourself.
CBD may help relieve pain and discomfort caused by various medical conditions. For instance, some individuals living with HIV report that CBD helps ease nerve pain (referred to as neuropathy). Furthermore, multiple sclerosis sufferers report reduced muscle spasms from using it regularly.
However, more research must be conducted to validate these results. A 2022 review of experimental studies on CBD showed only minor reductions in pain reduction, and side effects were common.
Prior to using CBD for pain, speak to your physician and be sure that any products purchased contain ingredients grown domestically and tested using standards established by either the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia or U.S. Pharmacopoeia. Tinctures that can be swallowed directly or oils designed for topical application will contain more CBD for faster absorption by your body, so these are likely the best choices for quicker relief. Also look for products manufactured under good manufacturing practices or quality standards set forth by the FDA (although CBD itself does not fall under either category).
CBD may help improve sleep quality by alleviating symptoms of anxiety, which often contributes to poor restful slumber. Studies have revealed that people suffering from anxiety have reported better self-reported sleep after taking CBD, although research in this field remains relatively preliminary.
Researchers have also discovered that CBD helps reduce abnormal nerve firings associated with restless leg syndrome (RLS). RLS is a neurological condition characterized by involuntary leg movement during sleep; those suffering from RLS often find CBD reduces its severity, improving overall sleep quality.
Researchers found that eight weeks of daily CBD supplementation significantly enhanced perceived sleep quality and NK immunosurveillance – a marker of immune system function – as measured by tests. This is consistent with CBD’s effect on CB1 receptors by augmenting NK cell cytotoxic functions to manage inflammation responses while simultaneously improving immune health.