Bakuchiol, the active ingredient found in Babchi Seed Oil, is an effective natural treatment for Vitiligo. Ayurvedic pastes or lepa made with Bakuchi Seed are applied directly onto patches of Vitiligo to restore pigmentation to restored the affected areas and arrest hair fall. Furthermore, it may help treat Psoriasis, Eczema and Stuttering simultaneously!
Babchi seeds come from the Psoralea corylifolia plant. They possess a deep reddish-brown hue with an aromatic scent similar to nuts. When applied topically they quickly penetrate skin.
It is a natural remedy for vitiligo
Bakuchi or Babchi is an Ayurvedic plant with remarkable health-promoting properties. The herb’s seeds have powerful skin lightening effects and have proven particularly helpful for those suffering from vitiligo. Furthermore, this medicinal plant boasts anti-psoriatic and anti-inflammatory benefits; to harness them effectively it should be soaked in ginger juice for three days before drying in the sun to create its herbal powder which can then be applied directly onto vitiligo patches to reduce their size and improve skin color while it can also be added into Lukoskin Ointment which was specially created for treating this disorder.
Babchi (Psoralea corylifolia plant seeds), commonly referred to as babchi, contain an effective natural alternative for retinol called bakuchiol that has proven successful at treating vitiligo by stimulating melanin production and synergizing with phototherapy treatments.
Babchi oil may help treat vitiligo by applying it on affected areas twice daily. A patch test should first be conducted to test for allergic reactions; to begin treatment mix one drop of Babchi oil with one tablespoon of carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil for best results.
It is a natural aphrodisiac
Babchi seeds are an all-natural aphrodisiac and widely used in Ayurveda to treat skin conditions such as vitiligo, psoriasis and acne. Furthermore, this remedy enhances blood flow to improve overall body wellness by decreasing inflammation while stimulating healthy hair growth. Babchi oil may even be applied directly onto scalps to encourage healthily grown locks!
Babchi can help to manage respiratory conditions such as asthma and cough with its decongestant properties, acting as an oral tonic to increase bone calcification. Furthermore, its seeds and fruits serve as an aphrodisiac to manage spermatorrhoea and premature ejaculation in men.
Babchi seed oil contains an anti-aging ingredient called bakuchiol that has many anti-ageing benefits for skin health, such as mitigating UV rays that damage it. You can mix this oil with others to create immune-enhancing bath soaks or moisturizers; or add it into massage blends for sensual purposes.
It is a natural skin lightener
Bakuchiol, a meroterpene found in the seeds of Babchi plant (Psoralea corylifolia), is known for its ability to lighten skin while simultaneously depigmenting it. Furthermore, this anti-aging ingredient helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as boost collagen production – providing a great alternative to traditional retinol treatments.
The name of this powerful skin-healing herb derives its inspiration from its association with the Moon – which symbolizes beauty – as its source. Also referred to as Somvalli, Chandrika and Suprabha in Ayurvedic texts. With both nutritional and curative properties that make up its “Shaka Varga” of leafy vegetables according to Acharya Charak and Acharya Vaghabhatta; all parts of the plant provide some form of healing; though seeds and oil hold special power for skin health benefits.
Babchi seed oil should always be mixed with a carrier oil before topical application to minimize side effects such as sun sensitization. Before using Babchi Seed Oil it is recommended that you speak to a healthcare provider.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory
Babchi seeds (Psoralea corylifolia) are natural anti-inflammatories used for centuries to treat leucoderma. Furthermore, their strong antioxidant, antitumor and antifungal properties may be of great help in managing leucoderma symptoms as well as immunomodulatory properties that could reduce an attack on melanocytes caused by Vitiligo patients’ immune systems. When combined with phototherapy they may even have synergistic benefits.
Some products claim to contain babchi oil or bakuchiol, but often these are carrier oils macerated with psoralens or extracted with solvents that do not contain pure Bakuchiol. Some companies, like Sytheon, however, use an exclusive process that extracts only Bakuchiol molecules for use in skincare products with precise concentration.
Psoralea corylifolia plants are not endangered species; however, its oil should be harvested responsibly to ensure sustainability and avoid overharvesting. Furthermore, when purchasing such products it is crucial that their safety and efficacy have been thoroughly verified by third-party testing labs.