Supplements are any substances taken outside of food to improve our health and wellness, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs or amino acids.
Diet is always the ideal way to obtain essential nutrients. But sometimes supplementation may be necessary to supplement any gaps.
Before beginning taking any supplements, always consult with a healthcare provider first as some can interact with medications or cause side effects.
Vitamins are essential nutrients your body requires in small doses to function and remain healthy. Most people receive all their required vitamins through eating a varied and balanced diet; however, some individuals may require supplements.
No single guideline exists for how much of each vitamin to consume daily, since needs can differ based on factors like activity level and health history. A registered dietitian can assist in selecting vitamins that best meet these individual requirements.
There are two categories of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and the B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, folate and B12 cannot be stored by our bodies; excesses pass out through urine. Fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E and K are stored by livers and fat tissues and used for various tasks including cell function, growth/development as well as regulation of certain hormones.
Minerals are inorganic elements that play multiple roles in maintaining good health. Divided into major and trace minerals, minerals play a critical part in keeping bones, teeth and nerves strong; producing energy from food; nerve transmission and muscle contraction as well as proper fluid balance, digestion and blood pressure control.
Minerals are essential to proper immune system functioning and inflammation regulation. A balanced diet should supply your body with enough of these minerals; however, in rare cases supplementation may be necessary.
Minerals can be defined as natural solids with ordered internal structures with specific geometric forms – commonly referred to as crystal form. Other characteristics that distinguish minerals include density (specific gravity), luster, streak hardness and magnetism as well as dissolvability in water, taste and odor as well as reactions with acids or magnets. A mineral must also be formed naturally by geological processes rather than produced through living organisms or human hands – such amorphous natural solids without crystal structure are known as mineraloids and do not qualify as minerals.
Amino Acids
Amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, play an essential role in human physiology. From cell division and hormone production to mood regulation and athletic performance enhancement, amino acids play a significant role in human life. Amino acids can be found in foods like meat, fish, eggs, milk, soy and quinoa; alternatively some people take amino acid supplements to increase athletic performance or enhance mood.
Nine amino acids are necessary for good health and must be obtained through diet: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine (1). Other amino acids are nonessential and your body can produce them on its own or obtain them through certain foods.
Studies indicate that supplementing with amino acid may help increase muscle protein synthesis and decrease fatigue after exercise or surgery (24-25). Consult with a registered dietitian or doctor about finding the appropriate dosage, from an established brand with products tested by independent organizations.
Herbs like parsley, cilantro, basil, mint, rosemary and thyme add vibrant color, aroma and flavor to many dishes when added fresh to meals. But these herbs do more than add taste – they contain key health-promoting nutrients such as antioxidants and phytochemicals for improved wellbeing.
Antioxidants and phytochemicals help the body reduce inflammation, which has been linked to diseases like certain cancers, heart disease, arthritis and Alzheimer’s. Studies show that even including just 3g of herbs into meals can increase antioxidant levels by 200%!
Herbs refer to the leafy green parts of plants while spices include other plant parts like seeds, roots, flowers, root bark (including inner bark and cambium) inner bark cambium inner bark inner bark cambium inner bark inner bark cambium inner bark inner bark inner bark ( cambium cambium inner bark inner bark inner bark cambium cambium inner bark inner bark cambium inner bark inner bark inner bark cambium inner bark (and cambium cambium inner bark cambium cambium), resin and pericarp. Herbs can often be found planted as themed gardens such as fragrance, kitchen or apothecary gardens as well as flower and vegetable borders – they require little maintenance while being drought tolerant with low water usage!