Many women are turning to eco-friendly pads and tampons as a more sustainable option, however these sustainable choices may be more expensive or may be difficult to access easily.
There are plenty of eco-friendly period brands that make it easier to do your part for the environment, from reusable pads to non-applicator tampons – these eco brands are leading the way!
Organic feminine care options typically cost more than their conventional counterparts; these may include cloth menstrual pads, reusable tampons and natural cotton pant liners – however their environmental and health benefits often make up for their higher price tags.
Traditional sanitary products are composed of synthetic material and often contain harmful chemicals like dioxin produced from chlorine bleaching or rayon, both known to cause allergies. Furthermore, they take up to 500 years to disintegrate in landfills before discharging their harmful contents or producing microplastics that release even more toxins into the environment.
Organic feminine care products offer an effective solution for mitigating risks associated with toxic shock syndrome (TSS), including fever, fatigue, rash and low blood pressure which may result in organ failure. Eco-friendly alternatives like organic feminine care options may also be safer in rural and low-income countries where unsanitary methods may have become the norm due to lack of access to conventional products. North America currently leads in growth of organic feminine care market as consumers become aware of plastic pollution and chemical waste threats to the environment.
Women today have many eco-friendly feminine care options at their disposal when selecting eco-friendly feminine products, from menstrual cups and reusable pads, which minimize solid waste impacts while being free from harsh chemicals and often more cost-effective than disposable tampons and pads.
Traditional feminine hygiene products are one of the primary contributors to ocean and landfill plastic pollution, taking over two decades to disintegrate into toxic substances that harm ecosystems and threaten their wellbeing.
Reducing your environmental footprint requires switching to reusable products like menstrual cups or cloth pads that can be reused over and over again, such as menstrual cups. These bell-shaped devices can be inserted into your vagina to collect menstrual fluid, with long-term use up to ten years. Though women may initially hesitate to try these options due to cultural taboos or fear of damaging hymen, many eventually find them more comfortable and effective – these options can be purchased both online and at local stores.
Many consumers avoid purchasing paper products due to the potentially damaging environmental impacts. Paper mills use energy-intensive fossil fuels and emit carbon emissions; transportation, distribution and disposal also contribute significantly to climate change. By going paperless you can help lower these emissions and protect our planet!
If you’re on the search for eco-friendly feminine hygiene products, look for options at local makers’ markets or small businesses. Look for products made with non-toxic ingredients packaged in recyclable material; there may even be certified green options available!
Menstrual pads, tampons, and sanitary napkins usually use synthetic materials and plastic applicators that aren’t biodegradable; this means these single-use products take anywhere between 500 to 800 years to break down in landfills or septic systems. But innovative feminine care products like organic cotton tampons with biodegradable disposal bags as well as washable period panties offer alternatives.
Current feminine hygiene products are composed of synthetic materials, often including chemicals such as phthalates, bisphenols and parabens that leach into our bodies through plastic applicators and fibers that leach phthalates, bisphenols or parabens; their plastic applicators or fibers have even been known to leach into waterways and contribute to toxic shock syndrome. Furthermore, these chemicals clog landfills at an alarmingly slow rate while biodegrading slowly into ecosystems by releasing microplastics into ecosystems.
There are companies that produce eco-friendly menstrual products. Joni makes cloth pads and tampons made from organic bamboo that are free from chemicals, chlorine and fragrance – their pads even come packaged in recyclable box packaging!
Unfortunately, many women still struggle to gain access to feminine hygiene products due to various factors including education about menstruation, affordability and cultural beliefs. Thankfully, more organizations are working toward increasing access to feminine products by lobbying governmental agencies to classify them as medical necessities or supporting legislation to remove sales tax on them and breaking stigma surrounding this subject matter through education about it.