Reusable menstrual products provide an alternative to disposable pads and tampons that contain harmful chemicals, with hypoallergenic organic materials made specifically to provide greater breathability for these reusable menstrual products.
Many participants who use reusable menstrual products prioritize comfort and protection from leakage over cost, confidence in using products, or ease of switching them over.
Healthier for the skin and body
Reusable menstrual products are often made of organic natural materials that provide maximum comfort against your skin, are absorbent, and don’t chafe. Plus they’re healthier for you than disposable pads which may release chemicals into the body or tampons which could potentially cause vaginal canal injuries.
Women and girls can purchase reusable period pads from work-at-home moms or small businesses, online marketplaces, some health food stores and specialty shops, and other retailers. You’ll find length and thickness options to meet various needs.
Reusable pads may initially seem expensive, but in the long run can actually save money as they last longer than disposables. Furthermore, it’s important to remember that these reusable options can be washed like any piece of clothing; either using your washing machine (preferably dark load) or by hand for optimal cleaning results.
Easy to care for
Reusable menstrual products offer many more choices in terms of brand, size and type than disposable period pads or tampons – yet learning curve for these reusable options can still be fairly steep. Once past that initial hurdle however, reusable menstrual products become extremely simple to care for and manage.
Just secure the holder to your underwear like you would a standard pad, then insert an absorbent cotton or cellulose pad when necessary (you can double up for heavier days). There are reusable cloth tampons that look just like regular single-use tampons. Plus there are even Cleopatra-esque menstrual sponges (think Cleopatra!) that act just like regular tampons but are eco-friendly, hypoallergenic, reusable and eco-friendly tampons but are eco-friendly, eco-friendly and hypoallergenic!
Reusable menstrual products often present the initial cost as the main drawback, yet, because reusables tend to last longer than their disposable counterparts, they actually save money over time – something which especially applies in areas with higher-than-average costs for basic household necessities such as groceries and utilities.
Less environmental impact
Menstrual cups provide an alternative solution that avoids risks associated with tampons such as toxic shock syndrome by being constructed of materials that require less water and energy for production, waste reduction, reuse of products over multiple cycles, are free from plastics and synthetic chemicals and provide greater comfort than disposable pads.
Our research indicates that many menstruators are unaware of the environmental damage imposed by disposable tampons and pads; those aware of it tend to prefer reusable options more.
Research by this team evaluated the environmental impacts of using reusable menstrual cups, disposable nonorganic pads and organic disposable pads across three countries using life cycle assessments. When combined, using both an menstrual cup and reusable pad or menstrual underwear had minimal greenhouse gas (GHG), fossil resource depletion, water usage and eutrophication effects.
Transformative for women in need
Girls and women who menstruate require access to products and materials that are safe, accessible, affordable, hygienic and easily disposable. Furthermore, these individuals need facilities for cleaning and disposing of these materials as many reside in areas with inadequate sanitation infrastructure, water or disposal services – these women must rely on alternative forms of disposal in these instances.
Comfort and leakage protection were among the key characteristics identified among participants who have used reusable menstrual products; when divided by current or never users of reusables, cost and confidence using materials were the only features with significant variation across groups.
New and innovative cloth pads are being introduced that offer both lower cost and environmental impacts than disposable menstrual products, including cotton, wool and bamboo textiles with features like adjustable straps, foldable designs, waterproof backings and washability (S1 File). However, learning to use such innovative products comfortably may present its own set of challenges to some women.