Many CBD products are being sold as health supplements rather than medicines, meaning they haven’t undergone stringent testing procedures to determine whether or not their ingredients contain accurate or even potentially dangerous components.
Studies indicate that CBD may help treat anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and other health conditions; but evidence is limited and further study is required. Furthermore, CBD might interact with some medicines including benzodiazepine sedatives like Klonopin (clonazepam), Ativan (lorazepam) and Valium (diazepam); immune suppressants like Sandimmune (cyclosporine); as well as opioid analgesics like morphine.
Anxiety and Mood Disorders
CBD acts on more than 65 receptors in your brain, including those which regulate mood. CBD may help elevate serotonin levels – which may help alleviate symptoms associated with depression and anxiety – without altering how your body processes existing medications for treating both conditions.
Researchers still do not fully understand how CBD may enhance one’s mood, but experts believe it may alter how your brain responds to stress and anxiety, alter certain genes’ DNA methylation patterns, and have also shown its efficacy at relieving anxiety in animal models and humans alike. One 2019 study indicated that people suffering from social anxiety disorder reported feeling less anxious after taking CBD than when given a placebo pill.
Another study discovered that CBD helped young people with anxiety who weren’t responding well to regular medication, and could also assist those experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder by decreasing anxiety caused by nightmares and replaying of negative memories.
Pain Relief
CBD products have become an effective way of managing pain associated with chronic rheumatic diseases like fibromyalgia. A 2021 study showed that CBD reduced pain levels among those living with these diseases while significantly improving quality of life.
Studies demonstrate that CBD may help those living with PTSD reduce nightmares, while another 2019 research report revealed it reduced drug cravings among individuals diagnosed with substance use disorder.
More research must be conducted in order to understand how CBD can best be utilized as a form of pain relief and identify effective dosages.
The FDA advises against marketing CBD products with unsubstantiated therapeutic claims, and users should be aware of potential risks before beginning use of any new product or supplement containing CBD. There are various methods of administering CBD depending on your preference and condition being treated; an oil or tincture under your tongue may provide quick-acting results while a vaporizer or patch that delivers direct CBD to bloodstream can provide more sustained effects.
Sleep Disorders
People suffering from sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnea may find CBD helps them rest more soundly. While not a cure, CBD may reduce symptoms associated with these disorders such as daytime fatigue while augmenting existing treatments for these issues.
One study showed that oral CBD significantly enhanced NonREM sleep in rats without altering quiet wake ripple length or rate of delta and spindle oscillations. Furthermore, it reduced stress-related high blood pressure.
Anecdotal reports from those using CBD to treat insomnia or other sleep issues suggest it could also be useful in managing symptoms associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). One small study of PTSD patients indicated synthetic cannabinoids reduced amygdala activity, thus decreasing nightmares and insomnia; more research should be conducted, while for serious sleep disorders a doctor should always be consulted first before trying CBD to manage them.
Mental Health
CBD interacts with over 65 receptors in the brain, many of which influence mood. Studies have demonstrated its potential effectiveness at relieving symptoms associated with anxiety and depression; specifically it may increase serotonin levels while alleviating stress on the body.
CBD has also been shown to assist PTSD sufferers with sleeping and nightmares, helping them feel more calm. Furthermore, it provides an attractive natural option for managing anxiety and depression without taking antidepressant pharmaceuticals.
Before beginning treatment with CBD, it’s essential that you speak to a healthcare provider first. They will be able to give advice about dosage and products available that suit you; additionally it is vital they know of any medications or supplements that could interact with CBD; this is particularly important if receiving therapy for mental health issues since your healthcare team must monitor how your symptoms change over time so they can effectively track them.