An ideal vagina is filled with beneficial bacteria and yeast in balance; however, sometimes these microbes become disorganized.
Yeast infections often cause itching and discharge that resembles cottage cheese, while bacterial vaginosis (BV) occurs when one type of bacteria, known as Gardnerella vaginalis, develops unchecked.
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) is an outstanding source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and folate. One cup of cooked broccoli provides 84% of its recommended daily value (RDV). Vitamin C plays an integral part in maintaining immune function.
Carrots contain high concentrations of carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts; their sulfur content works to detoxify the body. Furthermore, this vegetable provides potassium and magnesium – both of which promote bone health while increasing circulation.
As in the gut, vagina requires healthy bacteria in order to maintain stable pH levels and fight infections. A diet rich in folate-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, dairy for calcium intake, iron-rich food sources and probiotic supplements will promote good bacterial balance both inside and outside the vagina. (14)
Citrus Fruits
Fruits rich in vitamin C help your vagina remain healthy by supporting proper pH balance. This can prevent bacterial infections as well as reduce discharge. Foods high in vitamin C include oranges, green and yellow bell peppers, berries and strawberries.
Cranberries should also be included as part of your diet, as they contain A-type proanthocyanidins which have antimicrobial properties to fight bacteria that causes UTIs and vaginal infections. Consuming one glass of cranberry juice daily or eating handfuls of berries may help protect against and treat these issues.
Green leafy vegetables can help improve vaginal health. They contain essential folate, iron and calcium nutrients essential to female wellness; purify blood and improve circulation to decrease dryness and discomfort during intimacy; purify blood and improve vulva purification to purify circulation in vulva – this may reduce dryness or discomfort associated with intimacy if added into diet regularly – add kale, spinach and mustard greens for maximum female wellbeing; however avoiding using perfumed soaps, feminine hygiene products and toilet paper that could further irritate or irritates genitalia area.
Egg Whites
Egg whites provide a high source of protein to support vaginal health, and also contain vitamin B5 and E for additional benefit. Furthermore, they’re rich in potassium – an important mineral essential to optimal heart function and cell health.
Cervical mucus with a clear to milky consistency that resembles raw egg whites is common during ovulation and helps transport sperm from your cervix into the uterus. You may notice it on your fingertip, undergarment or toilet paper when wiping away discharge.
Arrindell notes that egg white proteins are water-soluble, making them easy to mix into beverages and uncooked foods, including those containing caffeine and alcohol. Liquid options or powdered forms often contain preservatives to extend shelf life and consistency – for this reason, purchasing pasteurized egg whites from health food stores might be best.
Yogurt can be an effective treatment option for yeast infections. Packed with probiotics to restore vaginal health, yogurt should contain lactobacilli acidophilus strains without sugar for maximum effectiveness.
These bacteria can also be found in other fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha. These beneficial microbes provide gut health benefits while simultaneously contributing to strong immunity – they even out the pH balance in vaginal areas to make an environment unfavorable for yeast growth!
Garlic contains allicin, an antifungal agent found naturally. Unfortunately, using garlic directly will not kill Candida and may even irritate it further. You can buy products containing this compound; however, most don’t work effectively to treat yeast infections. Yogurt offers an economical source of these essential vitamins and is an ideal way to keep hormones balanced and alleviate PMS symptoms.