CBD has proven its ability to help addicts reduce drug cravings. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated its use as an aid for anxiety, seizures, pain and inflammation relief.
CBD products can be taken orally through capsules, chewable gummies or sprays and sublingual tinctures (held under the tongue). Be wary of products making unverifiable claims such as “spice” or “bath salts”.
Lazarus Naturals makes this easy by publishing certificates of analysis for every batch directly onto its website as PDF documents.
Side Effects
CBD may cause side effects such as drowsiness, changes to your appetite and digestive issues. Furthermore, CBD can interact with medications you are currently taking and increase their effects or decrease effectiveness; furthermore it may interfere with liver enzymes which could pose problems if taking blood thinners, antiepileptic drugs or immunosuppressant medicines.
Studies demonstrate CBD’s positive safety profile for long-term use, including treating chronic pain and sleep issues. Furthermore, CBD shows promise in treating addictions. One study in people addicted to opioids revealed significant reduction in cravings with CBD use; further investigation needs to take place but some animal studies indicate it reduces cocaine and morphine cravings too.
Interactions with Other Medications
CBD may affect enzymes in your liver which break down medications, altering their concentration in your body and potentially increasing or decreasing effectiveness.
Studies must be undertaken in order to fully comprehend the effect of CBD on drug levels in the blood. CBD may interact with various medications used to treat seizures, depression and anxiety as well as heart disease or autoimmune conditions.
CBD may interact with drugs that induce sleep, such as benzodiazepines, antidepressants, opioids, antiepileptics and other sedatives. Combining CBD with these sedatives may increase lethargy, somnolence, fatigue and asthenia – side effects which could disrupt daily activities as well as present public health hazards through sedated drivers. It is vitally important that your use of CBD be discussed with both your physician and pharmacist prior to use.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Many pregnant people turn to CBD oil for help with insomnia or anxiety during their pregnancies, however the substance can have adverse reactions on the central nervous system (CNS), interact with medications prescribed, resulting in side effects like drowsiness or stomach irritation – side effects that many pregnant people try to avoid by choosing non-CBD alternatives such as hemp oil.
Studies suggest that CBD may pass through breast milk and have an impactful impact on an infant born to breastfeeding mothers who smoke cannabis. Studies reveal that mothers who utilize cannabis smoke tend to produce less breast milk compared with non-users.
CBD products are unregulated, meaning that they could contain substances harmful to fetuses such as THC, pesticides, heavy metals and bacteria that may contaminate them with potentially toxic elements like THC, pesticides or heavy metals – not to mention inconsistent concentrations of CBD which often makes labeling inaccurate; this makes using CBD while breastfeeding dangerous for your baby and makes these risks even more likely among women with marginalized identities who consume drugs during their pregnancies or while breastfeeding.
CBD can cause side effects including drowsiness and digestive distress. Furthermore, CBD may interact with medications causing long-term adverse effects like liver toxicity.
CBD products can be found across specialty shops, supermarkets and online stores in the US. Unfortunately, they are unregulated by FDA and could contain potentially harmful substances like THC or residual solvents that may present serious risks.
FDA has only approved one purified form of CBD for use in children, specifically to treat rare seizures caused by Dravet syndrome or Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Parents should always consult a healthcare professional prior to giving their child any form of CBD product; such professionals can explain its potential effects and direct them towards appropriate clinical trials.
CBD is generally well tolerated and does not cause psychoactive effects like those seen with THC; however, some individuals may experience side effects from CBD.
A person’s dose and type of CBD consumption can greatly impact their tolerance level and lead to overdose if too much is consumed at once. Furthermore, potency and purity levels of products may have an impact on its effectiveness and safety.
Notifying your health care provider if you take CBD is also vital, to allow them to monitor your response and ensure it doesn’t interfere with treatment plans, and make sure you’re taking the correct dosage. CBD has the potential to interact with certain drugs – such as antiepileptic ones – increasing risk of seizures or worsening epilepsy symptoms.