1. Mental health support
Mental wellbeing involves feeling contented and connected to others in your world, working productively toward your goals, and possessing resilience to deal with life’s inevitable difficulties.
Though social support is associated with positive mental health outcomes, it does not play a direct role in producing these effects; rather it exerts its indirect effect through its mediating effect on perceived stress levels.
Findings from this study illustrate the significance of understanding these complex relationships in clinical practice, suggesting that psychotherapeutic strategies must take into account specific ways that support networks can reduce perceived stress. Doing so is key for creating positive mental health outcomes across a variety of relationships.
If your mental health is experiencing difficulty, there are a variety of things you can do to obtain assistance and support. This could involve talking to someone close to you, joining a support group, calling a helpline such as Mind’s Infoline or Samaritans or even consulting online resources such as Psychology Today’s Mind Maps for advice and information.