Many consumers choose organic products because they believe they are better for their health, while others may be motivated by concerns over pesticide residues or antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
Organic foods have lower levels of cadmium and more antioxidants than nonorganic alternatives; plus they taste much tastier!
They Are Made With Organic Ingredients
While organic food contains natural ingredients, it’s important to note that just because something is labeled “natural” doesn’t guarantee it meets organic standards. All certified organic products must meet stringent USDA-accredited certification criteria and be free from synthetic substances or GMOs.
Organic farmers employ methods like crop rotation to protect soil-borne diseases and pests without using chemical sprays, natural predators such as ladybugs can help control pests while compost fertilizes crops to complete this cycle of organic agriculture.
One advantage of organic products is their local origin. This helps lower transportation costs and is an effective way to support local economies, while supporting your own pocketbook at the same time. Unfortunately, however, not everyone can access organic goods due to availability or affordability barriers; to widen access it’s essential that more people become aware of organic options; more and more supermarkets now sell organic produce and some stores specialize exclusively in selling them!
They Are Free Of Pesticides
There are various eco-labels and certifications on products, but an organic seal stands out among them as it signifies food grown or produced without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides or GMOs; additionally it ensures there are no chemical residues on the food product.
Organic farmers only have access to a select few natural, approved pesticides – such as pyrethrins from chrysanthemums and spinosad A for fungus control – that are safe enough for organic farming, leading to some products labeled organic still having unsafe* residue levels – this was found with fresh basil, white basmati rice and strawberries being among these products.
At first glance, many consumers may believe that seeing the word “natural” on a label means no chemicals were used, when in fact this is not always the case. A 2015 Consumer Reports survey discovered that 60+ respondents thought a natural label meant no pesticides, artificial ingredients or colors. The USDA NOP sets national standards for organically produced agricultural products.
They Are Made With Non-GMO Ingredients
“Non-GMO” in organic foods refers to seeds which have not been genetically modified through radiation or chemical mutagenesis in a laboratory, as reported on by The Non-GMO Project website. A growing body of research links GMO’s with allergies, inflammatory diseases, autism spectrum disorder and Parkinson’s disease – with evidence indicating these adverse health impacts as potential linked factors.
Organic products offer another advantage by being created through sustainable farming methods that promote soil health, reduce water pollution, and encourage biodiversity. When packaged goods include ingredients from these sustainable farms, their environmental benefits become evident.
Organic production may be more costly, but its environmental sustainability makes it the better option for both farmers and consumers. Organic producers must adhere to stringent standards when producing and processing organic food; these include detailed record-keeping, regular audits, full product traceability and full record keeping compared to many “eco-labels” that do not offer any proof of their claims of sustainability.
They Are Made With Local Ingredients
Organic food must adhere to specific regulations, which set forth rigorous standards for record-keeping, labeling and inspections in order to be labeled organic. Only when these standards have been fulfilled can products be labeled organic.
These regulations encompass all aspects of production, from soil health and biodiversity to synthetic pesticides and fertilizers as well as drugs; to sewage sludge treatment facilities; irradiation; and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Opting for organic products supports local farmers who prioritize sustainable practices and encourages others to follow suit. Furthermore, organic farming methods produce healthier fruits and vegetables with higher nutritional levels.
As with conventional products, not all organic items are healthy choices. Some contain added sugars, salts, fats and calories; it is therefore wise to read food labels closely when purchasing organic goods and treats. Organic baked goods and desserts for instance often use ingredients like refined sugar, flour eggs butter shortening. They tend to cost more than their conventional versions as well.