Managed migraine requires both acute treatments to alleviate symptoms and preventive therapies to limit future episodes, with alternative therapies such as mindfulness, yoga, melatonin supplementation, physical therapy and acupuncture showing significant promise in this regard.
Before trying any supplements or alternative medicines, always consult your neurologist first. Some can interact with prescription medication; be sure to discuss this matter beforehand.
Although over-the-counter and prescription medicines may help alleviate migraine headaches, many sufferers look for complementary or alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage therapy and herbs as effective ways of relieving their discomfort. Some therapies may even reduce stress which is a major source of migraines.
Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into different parts of the body in order to improve health and relieve pain, an ancient Chinese medical tradition practice used for thousands of years to balance energy flows within our bodies and relax muscles.
Acupuncture is one of the few complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies with clear, measurable clinical studies supporting its efficacy. When selecting an acupuncturist it is crucial that they have completed an education program and passed state board licensing exams; specifically GB20 in your neck can provide relief while massage may relax muscles and decrease stress-related triggers that contribute to migraine attacks.
Feng chi
Feng chi is an acupressure technique which involves massaging certain points on your body to relax muscles and restore natural energy flow, with one study even concluding it could help treat migraines.
Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), commonly known by its daisylike appearance, has been shown to decrease migraine headaches in one study by taking three dosages daily for four weeks – this resulted in reduced frequency of migraines and headaches.
Magnesium supplements seem to provide relief for many with migraines. Magnesium may prevent migraine auras and ease post-attack pain. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) may also help protect some individuals against migraine attacks.
Essential oils may help ease anxiety and some studies indicate that inhaling lavender oil may ease migraine pain for certain individuals. But due to menthol’s potential allergy causing properties, this treatment should only be used with caution if taking blood thinners or suffering other health problems. For the best results at home or during migraine attacks you could try inhaling steam from boiling water with drops of peppermint or lavender oil directly onto the head during a migraine attack.
Massage can be an invaluable aid to migraine sufferers in managing their symptoms. Massage can reduce stress and insomnia – both common triggers for migraine attacks – while relieving neck pain associated with migraine. When selecting a therapist who understands migraine, be sure they implement techniques like suboccipital release to open up upper cervical space and release tension that could otherwise lead to headaches.
Other massage types that target tight muscles that contribute to migraines include trigger point and neuromuscular massage, with reflexology and yoga possibly helping. According to one study, participants who received twice weekly reflexology treatments for 5 weeks experienced less frequent, shorter, and more intense migraine attacks; another 2014 study demonstrated short-term yoga reduced clinical migraine symptoms as well as anxiety depression and stress levels significantly; furthermore a 2022 review noted herbal remedies such as feverfew may prevent migraines altogether but more research is necessary.
Migraines are a complex disorder, and many seek alternative treatments that might provide relief or prevention without medication. Unfortunately, medicine often results in intolerable side effects or leads to Medication Overuse Headache (MOHA).
Mindfulness meditation is an approach to mind-body treatment that involves deliberately paying attention to the present moment without judgment. This form of therapy has many health benefits, including relieving stress that often triggers migraine attacks as well as improving overall happiness levels and mood.
A 2020 study discovered that participants who took part in mindfulness-based stress reduction programs experienced reduced migraine frequency and improved symptoms, as well as reduced burden from chronic pain conditions like headache and tension-type shoulder disorder. There are various forms of meditation, with spiritual forms proven more successful. It’s best to pick an ideal time of day when no interruptions will arise – inform family members to respect this as their time to meditate without interference!