Author: admin

Key components that influence an individual’s quality of life include relationships, meaning in work and life, healthy food choices, exercise programs, rest periods and self-care practices.Quality of life should also be a key factor when making financial decisions, for instance when choosing between current quality of life and saving for retirement. A tradeoff may be necessary between both ends.1. Get Enough SleepSleep is essential to life and getting enough restful restful sleep each night is critical to improving quality of life. Sleep helps increase energy levels and support mental wellbeing while simultaneously contributing to weight management, immune strength and heart…

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Food dyes have long been linked to hyperactivity. But many may not know that they may also pose other health risks.Dyeing agents can be found everywhere from ice cream and cereal boxes, snack bars and school supplies – it is no wonder many parents wish to avoid them!Red 3Finding Valentine candy and snacks without dye is easier than you may think, especially chocolate products like Russell Stover’s regular and sugar-free Chocolate Candy Gems from Wilton; Lindt red pralines; as well as many seasonal decorative products like sprinkles or nonpareils designed for baking or dipping items are dye-free.Studies show that all…

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Reusable menstrual products have less of an environmental impact than disposable pads, which contribute significantly to landfill waste and ocean pollution. Made of organic cotton for maximum wear-resistance and longevity of use.However, there can be obstacles to using reusable menstrual products and in this article we explore some of these barriers to inform future advocacy work regarding them.CostMenstrual products can be costly, so switching to reusable options may seem prohibitive at first. But once the initial investment has been made, reusable options save money in the long run while simultaneously decreasing plastic waste in landfills and waterways.Disposable protective materials require…

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Migraine attacks can be prevented by avoiding triggers, such as dehydration and skipping meals. Furthermore, keeping a migraine diary may help track symptoms and identify patterns. Avoid taking pain-relieving medicines too frequently as this could lead to medication overuse headaches. Your healthcare provider may suggest exercising, acupuncture or stress reduction as alternative solutions. Avoiding triggersPeople suffering from migraines are able to pinpoint triggers like foods, caffeine or changes in weather as possible aggravators for an attack, but stress may also bring on headaches which exacerbate migraines further. Attacks may also be worsened by medications like painkillers or sedatives which further…

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Functional foods have long been of interest to both consumers and industry stakeholders, though sales of the most recent major functional food product (plant sterol-containing spreads) may have fallen below expectations, their increased awareness and expanding database suggest future expansion. Health BenefitsHippocrates’ immortal tenet of “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” dates back over 2500 years; functional foods today represent an evolution of this ancient idea. Functional food ingredients possessing this capability can alter physiological functions when consumed at appropriate amounts and in regular diets. Functional foods often contribute to improved health by way of their…

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Hemp extract is an all-natural supplement that may reduce pain and inflammation. Additionally, it may aid gastrointestinal distress relief and help lower cholesterol levels. Furthermore, hemp contains GLA which has anti-inflammatory properties and provides skin benefits. CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over 100 chemical compounds found in cannabis sativa plant, such as hemp and marijuana, that works with your endocannabinoid system to bring health benefits. Cannabidiol (CBD)CBD is an important phytocannabinoid that binds to several physiological targets and has numerous medical applications, such as analgesia, anticonvulsant effects, muscle relaxant properties, anxiety relief and neuroprotective benefits [22]. CBD also reduces levels…

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Personal care products, such as soaps, shampoos, perfumes and cosmetics are used on both skin and hair to improve hygiene, increase attractiveness and alter appearance. Examples include soaps, shampoos, perfumes and cosmetics.Most of these chemicals are rinsed away after use, but some remain on the skin – such as hand sanitizers and sunscreen lotions – potentially entering our water supply and creating environmental issues.Skin careMaintaining healthy skin can have a profound effect on both your self-esteem and appearance. An easy daily regimen, consisting of cleansing wash and soothing moisturizer, can keep it looking its best and feeling rejuvenated. Be sure…

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Popular health beverages tend to contain plenty of added sugars and saturated fats that clog arteries. Coffee beverages, for instance, typically provide little more than caffeine hits and heart disease-inducing saturated fats. Cranberries, one of the most beloved beverages, contain health-promoting materials that help prevent scurvy. Kefir, a fermented milk drink with higher probiotic counts than yogurt, may even aid digestive health by improving gastrointestinal function. Freshly Squeezed Orange or Lemon JuiceFresh orange juice offers many health benefits and boosts immunity, including replenishing electrolytes in the body and improving skin health. Furthermore, drinking it helps with weight loss while supporting…

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