Author: admin

Functional foods have quickly become the darlings of the nutritional industry. These whole, fortified, or enriched foods offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition; typically with bioactive components that exert physiological effects to increase well-being and health while decreasing chronic disease risks and/or improving disease outcomes (4). Keep in mind, however, that just because a food is functional does not mean it is healthy – be sure to consider its Nutrition Facts label and ingredients list when making decisions about which options are appropriate for you. 1. Berries Berry foods like strawberries, cranberries, blueberries and raspberries contain powerful antioxidants which provide…

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Diet complements refer to an array of ingestible products including vitamins, minerals, herbs or extracts and amino acids used to supplement diets. Diet supplements also include food rations for young children as well as fortified complementary foods. Transitioning away from breastfeeding typically begins around six months old; when this happens it requires that foods are introduced when energy and nutrient needs exceed those provided by breastfeeding, as well as being nutritionally appropriate and fed in accordance with child signals of hunger and satiety (2). Timely Beginning around 6 months, an infant’s energy needs begin to exceed those provided by breast…

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Health drinks provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – giving you ample benefits without the sugary or caffeinated drinks that cause sudden sugar surges or spikes. Furthermore, healthy beverages offer no calories to worry about! Food-packed “green” drinks available at stores and deli refrigerator cases do not all measure up equally; look for 100% juice beverages with no added sugars and artificial ingredients. Freshly Squeezed Juices Freshly-squeezed juices provide an energizing dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Packed with Vitamin C, folate, and potassium – fresh juice is packed full of essential elements to boost immune health…

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Bakuchiol is an organic plant compound with many therapeutic uses for skin. It helps reduce pigmentation and increase collagen levels while being an integral component of Ayurvedic pastes and powders – and even as a cure for Vitiligo. The babchi seed is kidney-shaped and bitter in taste. It contains the phytonutrient psoralen and exudes therapeutic oil known as bakuchi oil for therapeutic benefit. It is a natural retinol Bakuchiol is a natural ingredient with similar functions to retinol without the irritation or phototoxicity. Found in the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia plants, babchiol works by manipulating its gene function to address…

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Eat healthily is a top priority for many Americans. But adding probiotics, reishi mushrooms and other “functional” ingredients to smoothie bowls or juice bars doesn’t guarantee it’s beneficial, according to experts. Functional foods are natural or processed food products enriched or fortified with components to provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition needs. Vitamins and Minerals All food is functional in some way; providing energy and essential nutrients. With increased awareness among health-minded populations and advances in scientific research and technology, the 1990s saw the advent of “functional foods.” These are foods or ingredients which offer health benefits beyond basic…

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Diet complements are nutritional supplements consisting of any vitamin, mineral, herb or botanical, amino acid or other ingestible preparation that are added to food in order to improve health and nutrition. These can include industrially produced fortified infant formula as well as homemade or locally produced complementary foods that aim at infants, young children and adolescents. Introduction Infants should be introduced to complementary foods (other than breastmilk or infant formula) at an age when their nutritional needs have been fulfilled and breastfeeding continues to provide optimal nutrition. Timing of this introduction varies across cultures and availability of different kinds of…

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Vitamins are organic molecules we consume regularly to fulfill various metabolic needs, and can be found naturally in food sources. Vitamins can also be found in fortified food products and supplements; however, taking too many fat-soluble vitamins (A and D) at one time could be dangerous to health. Multivitamin/mineral supplements Thirteen vitamins and 15 minerals play an essential role in producing hormones, strengthening immunity, maintaining normal nerve and organ functioning and supporting growth and development. While most can meet their daily recommended requirements by eating healthily, multivitamin supplements can supplement any nutritional gaps. Multivitamin and/or B12 supplements may assist people…

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Dietary supplements are any ingestible products intended to add nutritional value to the diet, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, or extracts. Many people take these products in order to promote overall health and wellness. Dietary supplements come in the form of pills, capsules, tablets, powder and liquid products; it’s important to remember that unlike medications they’re not strictly regulated and may lead to unexpected side effects. Vitamins Vitamins are organic compounds that play an integral part in our bodies, including strengthening bones, improving immunity and turning food into energy. Most people can obtain all their vitamin needs through diet alone;…

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