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As rates of chronic pain continue to climb and more and more pharmaceutical drugs cause adverse side effects, more people are turning towards natural methods for relieving it. Natural pain relief involves using nonpharmacological techniques which work alongside your body’s healing systems for safe and effective relief from chronic discomfort.Herbal remediesNatural pain relief offers an alternative approach that may be more holistic and effective than traditional medication. By including herbal remedies like turmeric and ginger in diet supplements like licorice root and white willow bark extract as well as capsaicin creams/patches in inhalations essential oils like lavender and peppermint can…

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Migraine can affect anyone, no matter their age or gender; however, it’s three times more prevalent among female-identifying individuals born into this gender.Over-the-counter pain relievers may be helpful for migraine headaches, but prolonged use may lead to rebound symptoms. Prescription triptans may help prevent or shorten migraine attacks and are available as pills, injections or nasal sprays.Acute TreatmentAs soon as an attack of migraine begins, pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin and ibuprofen should be used immediately to reduce headache pain and nausea. Some medications contain both an antiemetic agent as well as pain-relievers; additionally ergot alkaloids or combination analgesics…

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Fighting pigmentation, smoothing fine lines or managing dry skin are all challenging issues. Consider trying this serum that delivers a powerful combination of vitamin C and peptides to brighten the complexion while fighting fine lines.An effective toner can hydrate and balance skin, so consider this one containing rice milk and ceramides to provide essential hydration, plus soothing salicylic acid to soothe any redness or irritation in the formula.La Roche-PosayLa Roche-Posay offers dermatologist-recommended skin care solutions for every concern — from anti-aging and acne to dry skin. Their formulas are gentle on sensitive skin and fragrance-free; including their signature thermal spring…

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Migraines differ from other headaches in that they target the brain and can even lead to vision issues, making daily life extremely painful and disrupted.Effective migraine management entails several steps, from acute treatments for attack relief to preventive strategies designed to decrease frequency and severity of headaches.Avoiding triggersLocating triggers and making lifestyle adjustments are both key elements to successfully managing migraines. While you cannot prevent every cause for headaches, certain things such as food or medications could reduce their frequency by being removed from your life.Foods commonly reported as migraine triggers include chocolate, cheese, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, artificial…

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While we may not give much thought to the microorganisms residing in our vagina, their health is of critical importance in protecting us against infections such as BV. By maintaining an ideal balance of bacteria in your vulva, infections like this could be prevented more effectively.Check with your ob-gyn about vaginal health. They may ask what products you use down there and whether you have been getting regular STI testing (especially if in non-monogamy relationships). They could conduct urine or vaginal discharge tests as well as pelvic imaging studies to assess your status.BroccoliBroccoli contains numerous anti-inflammatory nutrients, including glucoraphanin and…

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CBD has quickly become one of the most sought-after dietary supplements, available as gummies, oils, lotions and vape pens. Proponents claim it can aid with anxiety, depression, pain and other related conditions.Though evidence for CBD’s effectiveness for more severe disorders remains limited, some studies show it can alleviate symptoms like neuropathy pain and reduce anxiety.CannabidiolCBD is an impressive fitocannabinoid that has shown great promise in treating various disorders and conditions, from anxiety reduction and alleviating pain to helping treat rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia as well as acne treatment by decreasing sebum production. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties may even help alleviate…

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Glimmer Goddess provides organic anti-aging products free from harsh chemicals for healthier skincare solutions that work for all skin types. Make the change today to switch over to safe skincare with natural, chemical-free options for all of your needs – we promise it’s easier than you think!Look for anti-aging ingredients like retinol and niacinamide to reduce fine lines and discoloration, as well as natural moisturizers with ingredients like aloe vera, sandalwood, and saffron for healthy younger-looking skin.One Love OrganicsOne Love Organics was established by Suzanne LeRoux in the 1990s at a time when clean beauty brands weren’t as prevalent. Specializing…

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Preservatives are added to ophthalmic products to protect them against microbial contamination; however, these ingredients may cause irritation, allergies, and disrupt ocular surface integrity.1Patients who rely on eye drops frequently can benefit from switching to preservative-free formulations, with studies demonstrating improved symptoms when BAK-preserved eye drops are replaced by PF formulations.PreservativesPreservatives are used in food products for numerous reasons. They can extend shelf life, preserve shape and smell or simply make them more visually appealing. Preservatives also act as antimicrobials preventing bacterial or fungal growth on food substances or as antioxidants slowing oxidation of ingredients in products.No matter whether natural…

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