Author: admin

Nutritional supplements may cause unintended side effects on athletes, including injury and illness. Unfortunately, unlike drugs, dietary supplements are unregulated by the FDA except when adulterated or misbranded products have already been made available on the market. Supplements fall under the category of dietary aids and can take many forms such as tablets, capsules, gel caps, liquids, bars and gummies. They contain minerals, vitamins and amino acids for optimal performance. Vitamins Vitamins are organic substances that perform various important functions within the body. These include supporting healthy cells and tissue maintenance as well as helping build immunity. Vitamin-rich foods may…

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After the 1980 TSS scare, the FDA began mandating that tampons be free from certain chemicals; however, even organic or unbleached brands (treated with oxygen instead of elemental chlorine) may still contain some form of chemicals. These chemicals pose valid concerns as tampons come into direct contact with vaginal tissue. With proper research, however, you can find the optimal choice for both your health and the environment. Organic Cotton Organic tampons offer several advantages over their conventional counterparts: instead of being comprised of cotton and rayon (a semi-synthetic fibre produced from wood pulp), organic ones are made entirely of 100%…

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Many athletes seek an edge on the field, court or mat. A healthy diet serves as the cornerstone for performance enhancement; however, supplementation such as creatine, beta-alanine and caffeine may play a small role in aiding athletic performance. Athletes can take advantage of supplements containing magnesium and omega 3 to aid their muscle recovery after intensive training sessions. 1. Creatine Creatine is a favorite among athletes as a supplement that increases strength, speeds up muscle recovery and enhances cognitive and endurance performance. Creatine, found naturally in meat and fish, serves as a precursor for the energy currency used by muscle…

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Feminine hygiene refers to a daily regimen for maintaining and cleansing one’s vulva, such as using products such as menstrual cups, panty liners and tampons. Additionally, this requires visiting a gynecologist on an annual basis as well as maintaining healthy eating habits and remaining hydrated. Always wash from front to back and avoid using products with fragrance that could disturb the natural pH balance, such as scented hygiene products or cotton-breathable undergarment liners that breathe, so as to maintain an ideal internal environment. Make sure to quickly change sweaty gym clothing or wet swimsuits as soon as they become uncomfortable…

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Migraines occur when specific internal and external stimuli – commonly referred to as triggers – trigger an attack, such as changes to sleep, food, menstrual periods for women, bright lights or loud noises. These triggers could include sleep changes, food intake changes, menstruation periods for women, bright lights or loud noises. An ideal way to identify headache triggers is keeping a headache diary, and working toward eliminating or minimizing them if possible. 1. Changes in Temperature People suffering from migraine often report that certain weather patterns can trigger headaches. This may be related to barometric (air) pressure shifts or stormy…

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Niacinamide and Vitamin C power this multitasking serum that works wonders on smoothing out skin tone and brightening dark spots to give hydrated, makeup-ready skin. Acerola acts as an energy bomb with toning properties while Lipochroman provides double protection from oxygen and nitrogen free radicals – perfect for makeup application! Vitamin C Vitamin C is an antioxidant, neutralizing free radical molecules which damage cells. Furthermore, it stimulates white blood cell activity to support immunity. While Vitamin C offers numerous health benefits, further research must be completed before considering it a treatment or prevention option for diseases such as cancer or…

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At puberty, most girls first experience menstruation for the first time and this can be an exciting time of great change and development. Many girls begin needing sanitary pads at this time as well. Reusable pads provide the ideal way to avoid harmful chemicals found in disposable pads that can contribute to various health concerns. They are easy to use Nowadays, girls use disposable pads that come in all sorts of sizes for both heavy and light periods, and in different absorbencies to meet their individual needs. Some pads feature scent or deodorant; those with sensitive vaginas might prefer non-scented…

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CBD products claim to help with sleeplessness, but before making your purchase, consult your healthcare provider first. They can assess if it would be suitable for your specific needs as well as any possible interactions between CBD and any other treatments you are using. Shannon’s study demonstrated that people suffering from anxiety or sleep disorders experienced significant improvements after three months of CBD treatment, although any benefits faded after that point. CBD is a natural sleep aid CBD acts as a natural sleep aid by relieving anxiety and helping individuals feel calmer. Studies show its efficacy for treating anxiety-related insomnia;…

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