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Fitness supplements — also known as ergogenic aids — can help you work out harder, reach your workout goals more quickly and experience less post-workout fatigue. Caffeine, creatine and beta-alanine can increase energy levels; magnesium and tart cherry extract reduce muscle soreness.However, fitness supplements should not be seen as a replacement for healthy eating and training habits. When selecting brands and reading labels carefully to avoid overstated claims or potentially harmful ingredients.Pre-workout supplementsPre-workout supplements should be taken prior to exercise and contain ingredients designed to maximize its effects. They may help with energy levels, mental focus and muscle endurance. When…

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Natural ingredients have long been an issue within the beauty industry, with many companies adhering to globally accepted guidelines in determining their percentage of naturally-derived ingredients in each product.Natural flavors found in plants and animals can be enhanced through chemical transformation to increase stability and performance, outshone by those untreated counterparts.Ingredients that are derived from plantsNatural ingredients derived from plants include ingredients extracted directly from raw materials like herbs, flowers, seeds, barks roots and fruits. They can be extracted directly from herbs flowers seeds barks roots fruits containing raw materials that include herbs flowers seeds barks roots fruits with properties…

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The Endocannabinoid System is one of the primary regulators of stress responses. CBD has been shown to increase levels of naturally occurring chemicals that reduce stress responses.CBD also interacts with serotonin receptors to ease anxiety and depression symptoms, according to studies. Studies have also demonstrated its efficacy at decreasing physiological symptoms associated with anxiety such as increased heart rate.EffectsCBD is an increasingly popular natural supplement used to help relieve symptoms of anxiety. It works by engaging the endocannabinoid system to elevate serotonin levels, and studies demonstrate its efficacy at relieving stress for individuals suffering from social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety…

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Selecting organic ingredients means forgoing chemical pesticides, GMOs and artificial fertilizers, while at the same time enjoying higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals found in organic produce, dairy and meat products.At your local farmers’ market or CSA, organic ingredients can also be found and explored further. Read on to gain more insight into their benefits!Superior Flavor and TasteMany consumers find organic ingredients have superior flavor and taste when compared to their non-organic counterparts, and often attribute this distinction to organic food and beverage being grown on soil rich with essential nutrients that is free from potentially health damaging chemical…

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Bakuchiol works similarly to retinoids in terms of decreasing wrinkles and discoloration, yet causes less irritation. Furthermore, it may serve as an ideal alternative for dry skin types who experience peeling when using these creams.Bakuchiol can be an effective addition to traditional acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid. But it should always be introduced slowly into your skincare regimen so as to gauge how it reacts with your skin.AntioxidantsBakuchiol, derived from the seeds of Psoralea corylifolia’s Babchi plant, has gained widespread recognition in modern skincare for its ability to mimic retinol’s effects without its associated risks, including reduced fine lines and…

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Recent developments surrounding organic tampons has raised many questions as to their benefits for your health, so we gathered research and expert opinions in order to assist in making an informed decision.Keep in mind that organic labeled tampons may not necessarily use organic materials. Look out for third-party certifications such as GOTS, Oeko-Tex Standard 100 or Made Safe to make sure that what you pay for matches what’s advertised.Reduced Exposure to ChemicalsEvery woman uses approximately 10,000 menstrual products during her lifetime, many of which contain chemicals which may be detrimental to vaginal membrane health. Luckily, organic alternatives are becoming easier…

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Minerals are natural inorganic substances with distinct chemical compositions (or range of compositions) and an ordered atomic arrangement, typically with homogeneous structure and specific weight/density characteristics.Minerals are vitally important in our world. Used in multiple manufacturing processes and contributing to national economies worldwide, minerals provide essential resources that promote good in our society and economy. Minerals also serve as powerful force of good within it all.Minerals are essential to lifeMinerals are essential elements to our lives and have many uses. You’ll find them everywhere from homes and cars, to electronics and medicine cabinets; from medicines and fertilizers, to keeping us…

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Powders are composed of finely ground or dispersed solid particles which have been ground, pulverized or otherwise processed to be finely dispersed in an agglomeration form. Although part of the granular material class, powders differ significantly in some key properties that make them distinct.Drug powder formulations used in nebulizers and personal medicated devices must have an optimal particle size to facilitate inhalation, which may require physical grinding or chemical comminution to achieve. Both approaches reduce particle size distribution.They’re easy to makePowders can be an ideal way to preserve your garden harvest. This technique involves pulverizing and dehydrating fruits and vegetables…

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