Author: admin

Minerals play an essential part of our everyday lives, from pencil lead made of granite to gold jewelry worn on fingers and iron found in cars. Each mineral possesses unique properties which help us classify it and distinguish one mineral from the next.Crystalline structures feature crystal form and chemical composition; other important properties include density and streak test results.Physical PropertiesMinerals possess various physical characteristics. This includes their luster (how light reflects off of them), streak (how the mineral appears when spread out on paper), color and refractive index. Some minerals also bend the way light passes through them, known as…

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Healthy vulvas don’t need soaps, sprays, wipes or douches. In particular, douching may irritate the vulva and lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, bacterial vaginosis and decreased fertility.Consider replacing daily douching with gentle daily cleansing using water and cotton panties with breathable fibers instead of fragranced products and excessive douching, which remove good lactobacillus bacteria while providing disruptive yeast with the opportunity to flourish.HygieneJust as with your teeth or shower routines, intimate hygiene requires daily care and maintenance. But unlike with hair products, excess is not necessarily beneficial when it comes to intimate hygiene. Your genital area contains an intricate ecosystem…

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Symptoms of migraine attacks often include pulsing or throbbing pain on either side of your head, light and sound sensitivity, nausea and sometimes vision impairment. When this occurs, immediate relief must be found quickly. Typical signs include pulsing or throbbing pain on one or both sides, light sensitivity, nausea and loss of vision as potential indicators.Migraines do not have a cure, but medication and lifestyle changes may help ease pain and help to avoid future attacks.1. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Pain MedicationThere are various over-the-counter pain relievers that may help ease migraine headaches. You may need to experiment with several varieties until…

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Nutrients are essential substances required by our bodies to generate energy and provide materials used in tissues and cellular processes, including carbohydrates (starches and sugars), proteins, fats, vitamins minerals and dietary fibre.Human bodies require specific essential nutrients from food in order to function optimally, such as amino acids, fatty acids, iron and calcium. These “essential nutrients” must come from outside sources in order to stay alive.CarbohydratesCarbohydrates (also referred to as sugars) are one of the primary sources of energy for our bodies. Carbs can be found in starches like grains and beans, fruits and vegetables as well as being added…

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Personal care products encompass an assortment of items designed to increase beauty, increase attractiveness or alter appearance. While cosmetics or drugs often fall under this category, other forms may include medical devices, nutritional supplements or consumer items.Chemicals found in these products may act as endocrine disruptors and cause health issues; however, unlike food or drug manufacturers who must disclose all ingredients on their labels.Oral CareOral hygiene is integral to overall health, helping prevent gum disease and tooth decay as well as keeping teeth and mouth free of bacteria that could otherwise cause infection. There are various products available to help…

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Vitamins are vital components of daily health. You can find them in foods from many different sources; however, supplements may be required by certain people.Vitamins are essential nutrients essential to human health, found in plant and animal foods as well as supplements. Vitamin A, C and the B complex vitamins are examples of water-soluble vitamins; those dissolved in fat dissolve over time and eventually pass out of your urine system as waste products.Vitamins for ChildrenMany kids, even picky eaters, do not require vitamins or supplements if they consume a balanced diet; however, multivitamins may serve as an insurance policy and…

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Well-being support has become an increasing focus for workplaces. It increases productivity, reduces employee turnover, sparks innovation and customer retention and can keep employees healthy and motivated.Emotional wellbeing involves understanding your emotions and knowing how to regulate them, while having access to supportive networks which can assist with overcoming difficult situations and maintaining mental wellness.Employee engagementEmployee engagement extends far beyond company game rooms, free massages and Friday keg parties; rather it means developing deeper and more personal connections between employees and their work. Engaged employees take pride in what they do for colleagues and customers – often going the extra…

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CBD may help ease symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease such as tremor, mood and sleep disturbances. Studies suggest it increases sleep quality but there is no rigorous RCT evidence supporting this claim.Preclinical studies demonstrate the anxiolytic properties of CBD. A single oral dose (600 mg) provided to healthy volunteers led to decreased blood pressure and anxiety associated with neuroimaging changes in limbic brain regions [58], enhanced cognitive responses to stress and increased consolidation of extinction learning in PTSD patients [58].Mood EnhancementCBD works with the brain’s endocannabinoid system to regulate anxiety and mood. It has an anxiolytic effect by blocking anandamide…

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