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Migraines are severe, often disabling headaches that interfere with daily activities and disrupt life. Migraines differ from regular headaches in that they can be triggered by various triggers including diet, exercise and stress.Keep a migraine diary to identify triggers. Common triggers include aged cheeses, foods high in nitrates (such as hot dogs and lunchmeat), caffeine, alcohol or weather changes.Avoiding triggersMigraine headaches can be caused by various triggers. Common examples include foods containing histamine and MSG, chocolate, cheese and other dairy products as well as caffeine, nitrates (found in cured meats), strong smells and even stress or hormone changes during menstruation…

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Feminine health refers to all the aspects that contribute to women’s physical and psychological wellbeing, including hormones, diet and lifestyle factors.Avoid using scented soaps or feminine hygiene products on the vulva, as this may alter its natural pH balance and increase irritation. Douching may also remove beneficial vaginal bacteria that have built up over time – increasing your risk of infection.Menstrual HygieneMenstrual hygiene (period equity) includes providing women with affordable and accessible menstrual products as well as access to clean water, soap and sanitation facilities; education about menstruation is also integral in breaking down stigma associated with it.Women and girls…

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Multivitamin/mineral (MVM) supplements can help ensure you meet all of your micronutrient requirements, so choose one which contains at least the Recommended Dietary Allowances for most vitamins and minerals.Minerals are inorganic nutrients that play essential roles in our bodies. Some minerals, like fluoride and calcium, strengthen bones; others like iron deliver oxygen directly into cells for cell metabolism.CalciumMost people get enough calcium through food sources like dairy and green leafy vegetables, while supplements may also provide needed calcium. A doctor should be consulted if taking any such supplement. It’s best to avoid high dose supplements unless specifically advised by a…

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Hair gloss, shine serums and sprays are designed to revitalize dull strands by reflecting light instead of absorbing it. Look for lightweight shine sprays with mica which reflect rather than absorb light rays.If your hair is fine or oily, opt for alcohol-based shine sprays which dry quickly to avoid greasy locks. A natural bristle brush will help disperse natural oils throughout your tresses and distribute your scalp’s natural oils throughout them all.Oil TreatmentsApplying an oil treatment to your locks provides it with moisture that keeps its shine. Hot oil treatments are incredible natural hair remedies, especially beneficial for dry, brittle…

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Feminine cleansers have been specifically developed and tested to have an ideal pH balance that’s ideal for intimate areas. Regular body washes with different pHs can disturb this delicate balance of vaginal microflora, leading to unpleasant odor and even yeast infections.Many feminine washes claim to be natural, moisturizing or pH-balancing products; however, gynecologists warn against them as these can actually do more damage than good.pH-balancedpH-balanced feminine washes are specially designed to support and balance the bacteria levels in your intimate area, to avoid an outbreak of bacterial vaginosis and protect your health by not upsetting this delicate balance. To help…

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Natural and organic are often used interchangeably, yet there is an important distinction. Organic products must meet stringent criteria relating to how ingredients are grown.Natural and organic skincare should be free from harmful toxins like parabens, SLS, phthalates and synthetic perfumes. Look for eco-friendly and cruelty free brands such as The Green Woman and Fit Pit that produce eco-friendly and cruelty free products to make sure that you experience maximum skin wellness while doing good for the planet.Environmentally friendlyNatural and organic skincare products are created without synthetic preservatives that may harm both human skin and the environment, and without ingredients…

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No single food can provide all the nutrition your body requires, so choose a variety of healthy options when making decisions about what to eat. For instance, opt for oils instead of saturated fats when replacing saturated fats in salad dressings and consider opting for salad dressings with oil instead of solid fats in their ingredients list.Be sure to fill half your plate with vegetables and fruit, and a quarter with whole grains. Incorporate enough protein to help build and maintain muscles.It’s nutrient-denseHealthy foods tend to be nutrient-dense, meaning that they provide lots of essential vitamins and minerals at relatively…

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Switching to cruelty-free skincare products is simple. Simply start replacing any current items you use as they run out with their cruelty-free counterparts.Cruelty-free refers to products and their ingredients not being tested on animals for testing purposes, as well as meeting other ethical criteria, such as environmental sustainability and using natural ingredients.Choosing a cruelty-free skincare brandSelecting cruelty-free skincare products is one of the best ways to ensure that your skincare regime is ethical and kind to both yourself and the environment. Most cruelty-free brands provide high-quality and effective skincare that’s safe for both humans and nature – they avoid harsh…

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