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No doubt you have noticed the organic label on food and other products sold at supermarkets, farmers markets and online grocery stores. This signifies that these items were produced according to organic farming regulations.These standards prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones; additionally they forbid using sewage sludge and irradiation methods.BenefitsOrganic food offers healthier nutrition profiles than its non-organic counterparts, according to research. Studies show that organic fruits and vegetables contain more antioxidants as well as higher concentrations of Vitamin C, E and carotenoids and minerals such as iron phosphorus magnesium. Furthermore, organic dairy products contain…

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Hospitals are increasingly offering organic health food options for patients, staff and visitors. Proponents of organic produce assert that it can benefit overall health as it contains no growth hormones or artificial preservatives.However, not enough evidence exists yet to show that organic food provides any tangible health benefits; in fact, it could still contain high levels of sugar, sodium, and calories.1. Lower Risk of CancerOrganic fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of antioxidants and are free from potentially harmful additives, potentially helping lower the risk of certain diseases such as cancer.New research conducted among 69,000 individuals revealed that those who…

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CBD can provide pain relief in several ways, from pills and edibles to vaping. Speak with your physician about how best to integrate CBD into your pain management strategy.A 2019 study demonstrated the efficacy of Sativex at alleviating both nociceptive (affecting body tissue) and neuropathic pain (affecting nerves). CBD may also assist with nerve-related discomfort caused by certain medicines like chemotherapy-based agents, like Paclitaxel.Cannabidiol (CBD)At this time of opioid overdose and abuse, those living with chronic pain are turning to natural solutions such as CBD for pain relief. CBD is a nonintoxicating natural compound which may help reduce inflammation and…

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Bakuchiol, commonly referred to as babchi oil, is an anti-aging ingredient with similar retinol-like properties extracted from seeds of Psoralea corylifolia plants.Oil of Oregano is an all-natural treatment for vitiligo, psoriasis and eczema as well as being an effective hair growth stimulant and helping reduce inflammation and itching on the skin.Medicinal BenefitsThe Babchi plant is widely recognized for its healing powers and revered as an herb that helps revitalize skin health. While all parts of its entirety possess medicinal qualities, particularly seeds, oil and powder extracts can provide great assistance for treating various skin disorders including psoriasis and eczema; its…

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From traditional gummy bears to oceanic-themed shark-shaped candies, flavored gummies provide candy lovers with a range of shapes, flavors and textures. As their market expands further still, manufacturers continue to explore new flavor combinations and innovations to stay ahead of the competition.Successful candy products rely heavily on high-quality ingredients and extracts. Consumers increasingly appreciate all-natural offerings without artificial flavors and dyes; all-natural candies offer superior experiences without artificial dyes and flavors.Fruit FlavorsGummies are beloved treats with fruit flavors that appeal to an expansive audience. From classic bears and the more inventive straws and mangoes found on modern packaging designs to…

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No matter your level of competition or fitness level, supplements can help boost training intensity and enhance athletic performance. Popular workout supplements such as protein powders, creatine and fish oil may provide support.Creatine provides essential fuel for high-intensity exercises and sprinting. Incorporating it into short burst exercises like sprinting can boost short burst energy for quick performance gains.Protein PowdersProtein is a macronutrient essential to muscle building and cell repair. Furthermore, protein provides essential fluid balance benefits as well as hormone regulation for optimal health and overall well-being.Most individuals meet their daily protein requirements through whole food sources such as meat,…

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Antioxidants are naturally-occurring chemicals that help defend cells against free radical damage caused by free radicals, which is linked with aging and many diseases. Antioxidants can be found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fungi and whole grains as well as herbs and spices.Include antioxidant-rich foods at every meal and snack – including snacks and drinks! For instance, oatmeal, smoothies or garden salads with fresh berries and greens make delicious antioxidant-rich options for every meal or snack.Leafy Green VegetablesLeavey green vegetables are chock-full of antioxidants and essential nutrients, including spinach, kale, collards, turnip greens, Swiss chard, bok choy and mustard greens…

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Feminine cleansers, commonly referred to as intimate washes, are designed to effectively cleanse and nourish the delicate vulva. Unlike regular soap, however, feminine washes often contain gentle ingredients that are suitable for most women – even those with sensitive skin.Many women may be tempted to use products found in the feminine hygiene aisle, but ob-gyns advise against it as doing so may disrupt the natural balance of bacteria in your vagina.Soothes Sensitive SkinFeminine wash can help provide comfort to delicate intimate area skin, which is highly susceptible to irritation. Furthermore, this area can be highly reactive to fragrance, chemical or…

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