Author: admin

Migraine pain is characterized by severe, throbbing headaches that affect one side of your head. Treating migraine headaches can be extremely challenging – particularly when they come frequently. Some people experience an aura, which is an early warning signal of migraine attacks, around 10-15 minutes prior to experiencing their first migraine attack. An aura may consist of star or zig-zag lines appearing. Over-the-Counter (OTC) Pain RelieversAs soon as a headache or toothache strikes, people typically turn to over-the-counter pain relievers as a solution. But how can you select and take an appropriate drug at just the right time and dose?…

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Energy supplements can be invaluable when trying to get through the day or power through your workout. They often include vitamins, minerals, adaptogens and amino acids – helping you battle fatigue more easily than ever. Taurine is one of the most commonly found nutrients in energy drinks, offering antioxidative effects and improving mitochondrial function while supporting exercise capacity and muscle strength. CaffeineCaffeine is a naturally-occurring chemical stimulant that is found in various foods and beverages, such as coffee beans, tea leaves, cocoa powder, kola nuts, yerba mate tea leaves, guarana berries as well as some non-prescription pain relievers and diet…

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Organic skincare contains ingredients that are both good for your body and the environment, but understanding which products qualify as truly organic can be daunting. Here’s some guidance to help find products tailored specifically for your skin concerns. Understanding natural, botanical, and organic skincare products is essential to becoming an esthetician. This article will help you select products with proven results for maximum efficacy. 1. NaturalOrganic skincare focuses on using ingredients that are both healthy and non-toxic, formulated from plant-based sources to nourish your complexion without using harsh chemicals such as bleaches or other potentially unsafe compounds found in traditional…

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Color plays an integral role in our natural environment. From the reddish-orange hue of cacti flowers to the iridescent purple of butterfly wings, color is at the core of what keeps us engaged with our surroundings. However, when using natural colors in bakery applications, formulators must keep certain aspects in mind when using natural hues. Marine ClayMarine clay is a microcrystalline material composed of both clay minerals (such as Illite, Kaolinite and Montmorillonite ) and non-clay minerals such as quartz and feldspar. As it’s susceptible to rapid liquefaction it cannot be used without appropriate treatment [1]. Marine clay expands quickly…

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While diet remains the cornerstone of athletic performance, many athletes also take supplements that may enhance strength, speed, and endurance. Protein/amino acids, caffeine, beet juice, electrolytes, iron and vitamin D are some of the most frequently recommended supplements for athletes. Their effects vary depending on workout duration, intensity and environment. Beta-alanineAt the highest levels of their sports, athletes need a competitive edge to be successful. Training hard at high-intensity intervals to develop power and endurance often leads to soreness and fatigue – yet supplementation with beta-alanine may delay this feeling of soreness or fatigue. Carnosine, formed when beta-alanine is combined…

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Menstrual cups are an eco-friendly alternative to disposable tampons and pads, providing an economical yet safer solution. Furthermore, menstrual cups do not cause vaginal dryness which could potentially increase with prolonged use of disposable products. Menstrual cups can be easy to use, with practice. It is best to start off small by following the manufacturer’s guidelines on size. They are reusableMenstrual cups have become increasingly popular as an economical and eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons. Constructed of medical-grade silicone, latex or rubber material, menstrual cups can be inserted directly into your vagina during your period to collect blood instead…

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Migraineurs often find that changes to their daily routine, such as fluctuating stress levels or sleep patterns or sudden food or beverage changes can trigger migraine attacks. Such triggers could include stress peaks and valleys, shifting sleep patterns or sudden food or beverage changes – among many others. Keep a headache diary to identify potential triggers. Keep in mind that not every trigger may lead to an attack; several may need to occur for one. StressStress is one of the primary migraine triggers, as it raises levels of chemicals in your body which increase muscle tension and cause blood vessels…

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CBD, extracted from the cannabis sativa L plant, has become a widely sought after natural treatment option for numerous medical issues. Research shows that it can ease symptoms while improving functioning. CBD appears to act as an antagonist at the CB1 receptor and may increase anandamide availability, providing anti-inflammatory relief and inhibiting fatty acid amide hydrolase activity. AnxietyCBD is often advertised as an anti-anxiety supplement. Although a few small studies suggest it can decrease anxiety, more research needs to be conducted on its efficacy in terms of improving sleep and depression – the results may differ between individuals. Preclinical evidence…

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