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For strong, healthy-looking nails, it’s essential to take proper care in their maintenance. That means avoiding external traumas (like finger-tapping and using nails as tools), as well as regularly moisturizing with products designed to nourish them.Non-toxic nail care products are gentler on nails and help them retain their natural oil balance to prevent dryness, splitting and flaking issues. Furthermore, these products contain less dangerous chemicals which could potentially enter our bodies over time.1. Cuticle OilCuticle oil is an intensively nourishing treatment applied directly to your cuticles (the thick layer of skin surrounding the base of your nails) to keep them…

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Many people with diabetes can obtain all of their essential vitamins and minerals through eating healthily; for those who lack key nutrient supplements can provide additional support.Vitamins are nutrients your body requires in small doses for proper functioning. Vitamin supplements come in several forms such as tablets, pills, chewable tablets and liquid.Look for Third-Party TestingHave you been shopping for supplements recently? You may have noticed that many products bear certification seals from third party testing companies. While this doesn’t imply safety or efficacy of their use, these seals provide assurances that a company takes its customers’ safety seriously and meets…

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Menstrual hygiene products that millions of women rely on every month could contain harmful chemicals, an issue especially concerning given that vaginal skin absorbs chemicals quickly into bloodstream.Metals could get into tampons via raw materials that absorb them from water, air or soil; or intentionally through manufacturing as whiteners, pigments or antibacterial agents.Why Choose Hormone-Free Tampons?Tampons provide safe, convenient menstrual protection to millions of women across 120 countries; however, they have been linked to toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a life-threatening condition caused by bacteria. While some manufacturers claim their organic tampons help prevent TTS, San Francisco Bay Area ob/gyn Jen…

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Supplements are any substances taken outside of food to improve our health and wellness, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs or amino acids.Diet is always the ideal way to obtain essential nutrients. But sometimes supplementation may be necessary to supplement any gaps.Before beginning taking any supplements, always consult with a healthcare provider first as some can interact with medications or cause side effects.VitaminsVitamins are essential nutrients your body requires in small doses to function and remain healthy. Most people receive all their required vitamins through eating a varied and balanced diet; however, some individuals may require supplements.No single guideline exists for…

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Migraines can be agonizing headaches that last days and make life hard, making them challenging to live with. Migraine diaries may help identify triggers.Avoid foods known to trigger migraines, such as aged cheese, chocolate and caffeine. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking regular glasses of water throughout the day and engaging in massage therapy as a form of stress relief and muscle relaxation, both of which could potentially be migraine triggers.Over-the-counter pain relieversOver-the-counter pain medications offer many migraine sufferers relief. Common choices such as aspirin and ibuprofen work by blocking prostaglandins which increase pain, inflammation, and blood vessel dilation in the…

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CBD may help soothe anxiety that’s keeping you awake at night, helping you drift off more easily to sleep and stay asleep longer, so that when morning comes around you’ll wake up feeling more rested than when the night before.This tincture features an assortment of sleep-inducing ingredients, such as soothing chamomile and melatonin. Plus, organic ingredients and minimal sugar have also been included!TincturesTinctures are a concentrated form of CBD, typically made with various ingredients to mask its bitter taste and ease sublingual administration. Many brands even come equipped with droppers for effortless application – making tinctures ideal for sleep aiding…

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Adopting proper feminine hygiene practices can help keep you healthy. The main items necessary are pads, panty liners, tampons and wipes.When selecting feminine washes, try to limit the use of fragrances, perfumes, and sulfates as these may irritate vulvovarian skin while disrupting its normal microbiota that helps combat infections.1. Wash Your Vulva DailyDaily cleansing should include using a gentle soap designed for cleansing the vulva. These feminine washes can be found in grocery stores and pharmacies with women’s care sections; since vulvova have pH levels between 4.2-5.6 which differs slightly from that of skin, using regular soap may disrupt that…

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Migraines can be debilitating headaches that disrupt daily activities and disrupt sleep. Migraine attacks typically come in clusters, lasting weeks or months before subsiding completely and leaving no trace of pain behind.Foods and alcoholic beverages, stress, menstruation and weather changes are often triggers of migraine attacks.1. StressStress can trigger migraines for those who suffer them; those experiencing chronic migraines (more than 15 days per month) often report high stress levels. To stay protected against migraine attacks and prevent future migraine attacks from happening, it’s essential to identify and manage triggers, including those caused by social factors like workplace or family…

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