Organic labeled food meets stringent government standards for production and processing, with farmers, processors, and handlers routinely being inspected to ensure they abide by them.
Studies demonstrate that organic fruit and vegetables contain lower pesticide residues than their conventional counterparts, as well as lower concentrations of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and industrial pollutant cadmium.
Organic food may cost more than similar products grown using conventional farming practices; this difference is often attributable to more costly farming practices; however, organic options are better for the environment, and smart shoppers may even save money while purchasing them organically.
Purchase organic frozen fruits and vegetables as they tend to be cheaper than their fresh counterparts, and many grocery stores carry their own brand of organic produce that may be significantly less than name brands. Do your research and look around to find the best deals possible.
Also look out for discounts on organic products at local farmers’ markets and online. Consider joining a food co-op or buying club for access to more variety at reduced prices, while purchasing foods that require long travel distances helps minimize environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions that contribute to global climate change; organics also promote soil health while eliminating harmful pesticides that contaminate water sources.
Organic produce offers many consumers not only health advantages over non-organic varieties but also financial savings and environmental benefits, since organic choices reduce pesticide emissions into air and water supplies.
Organic farming eliminates the use of chemical fertilizers derived from petroleum or sewage sludge, opting for natural options like manure from animals and greens or nutrient-rich compost to maintain healthy soil.
Purchase organic produce when possible (like avocados, bananas and pineapples), while purchasing conventionally produced items may not be. When it comes to tomatoes, tangerines and peppers whose peels or remnants you remove or discard (such as tomatoes and tangerines). Also consider supporting local farmers by shopping seasonally to cut down greenhouse gas emissions caused by transportation. And for animal agriculture which does not use antibiotics at all.
Organic products offer numerous advantages, among them reduced pesticide exposure. This is particularly significant for pregnant mothers and children, who are vulnerable to toxic residues on food. Furthermore, organic farming reduces its impact on farm workers and their communities.
Organic products also contain more essential nutrients, including Vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorous; plus less sodium and nitrates than non-organic food items.
If you’re on a tight budget, opt for products labeled with “made with organic” rather than 100% certified organic certification. Multi-ingredient agricultural products labelled “made with organic ingredients” must contain at least 70% certified organic content in order to qualify as such products.
Before heading out to your grocery store or farmers market, use the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce. This handy tool provides a snapshot of which fruits and vegetables tend to hold onto high amounts of pesticides; thus enabling you to prioritize buying organic alternatives of such items.
Although it has yet to be proven that organic products taste superior to their non-organic counterparts, many consumers feel this is true. This could be attributed to organic food being subjected to stringent environmental guidelines, and how farming practices used for producing them minimize exposure of farmers and their families to pesticides or chemicals used during production.
In the US, the National Organic Program establishes standards that organic producers must abide by to be certified as organic. This includes avoiding GMO ingredients, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides while raising organic meat without hormones. Furthermore, organic produce must also be grown, handled, stored and transported according to specific specifications.
Processed products may be labeled “organic” or “made with organic _____” if they contain at least 70% organic ingredients excluding water and salt. To qualify, both an “organic claim” and the certifying agent’s mark must appear prominently on the principal display panel, while individual organic ingredients must be listed within an ingredient statement on an information panel.