CBD interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) to bring balance to your nervous system, including calming effects and anxiolytic properties. Studies show that three days of oral CBD treatment reduce persecutory ideation, anxiety, cortisol levels and tachycardia among individuals at risk of psychosis [46].
CBD may aid substance misuse and alleviate withdrawal symptoms associated with cocaine [47]. Furthermore, studies conducted have demonstrated its effects to increase sleep quality and increase lifespan among glioblastoma patients [48] while other cohorts also experience improvements.
CBD appears to reduce anxiety behaviors across a wide variety of symptom domains, showing both anxiolytic and panicolytic effects without significant anxiogenic side effects in preclinical models. These effects are mediated by both CB1R and 5-HT1AR activation; CBD was found to decrease explosive escape and defensive immobility during ETM testing; reduce contextual fear expression via CCF test; enhance extinction learning through LCARB test; as well as block reconsolidation of aversive memories through LCARB testing.
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study with abstinent heroin users demonstrated that oral administration of CBD significantly reduced cue-induced heroin craving, self-reported anxiety measures and drug cue-induced physiological responses; it was also associated with decreased forward functional connectivity between amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex during emotional processing – suggesting CBD may attenuate aversive memory processes in anxiety disorders.
A seizure is an abnormal electrical brain activity which results in changes in awareness or behavior, sometimes lasting several seconds up to several minutes. A seizure may affect one area or all regions of the brain at once and may last just moments or days at time.
Tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures are among the most serious forms of epilepsy and require medical intervention to ensure patient safety. A tonic-clonic seizure typically results in loss of consciousness while your body stiffens and jerks stiffly and uncontrollably, potentially leading to injury and necessitating medical attention as soon as it happens.
CBD has been shown to be effective at decreasing seizures among those suffering from certain forms of epilepsy. It may help decrease frequency as well as cognitive function and mood improvements for drug-resistant epilepsy sufferers. Furthermore, it could potentially be used for other disorders like anxiety depression insomnia etc.
CBD has demonstrated its effectiveness in treating neuropathies, such as peripheral neuropathy. A 2017 study demonstrated how CBD reduced human neuropathies and could potentially enhance quality of life for those suffering chronic pain conditions.
CBD acts to modulate ion channels associated with pain and inflammation, including GABAA and glycine receptors, acting as an allosteric modulator in micromolar concentration range for anionic ligand-gated ion channels while simultaneously decreasing activity from cationic channels, such as voltage-gated calcium channels Cav3.1/3.2 or N-type Ca2+ channels Na+/Ca3.1.
Studies demonstrate that CBD inhibits lipoxygenases responsible for breaking down arachidonic acid (AEA), thus decreasing production of proinflammatory mediators from arachidonic acid and its derivatives. Furthermore, evidence has demonstrated its efficacy at augmenting morphine-induced antinociceptive effects in animal models of pain.
People commonly associate inflammation with mild symptoms like sore ankles after hiking or mosquito bites; however, chronic inflammation can lead to serious health conditions including rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis and some cancers.
CBD reduces ROS levels by chelating transition metal ions, inhibiting Fenton reactions, and preventing dihydrorodamine formation [27]. Furthermore, CBD protects non-enzymatic antioxidants like GSH in human coronary endothelial cells as well as in liver tissue from mice treated with cisplatin from being oxidized [29-30].
Some people take CBD for inflammation by placing drops under their tongues or using tinctures that they swallow; others use edibles like gummies, cookies or beverages; however it should be used with caution as dosage can be challenging; in this instance it would be wise to consult a healthcare provider first before trying them.
CBD Isolate
CBD isolate’s tasteless and odorless nature make it ideal for use in oils, tinctures and other products, while its precise measurements enable users to precisely track their dosage compared with oils or extracts which often contain multiple cannabinoids that make dosing harder to track.
CBD isolate offers another significant advantage compared to full spectrum products: its absence of THC. This makes it particularly appealing for athletes, construction workers and white-collar executives who wish to use it without worry of failing a drug test. Unfortunately, unregulated markets may contain trace amounts of THC so it’s wise to research third-party lab results prior to making your purchase decision.