Many individuals take nutritional supplements in addition to their regular diet, such as multivitamins, vitamin D, folic acid, iron and calcium supplements as well as phytochemicals.
Diet is the best source of vitamins and minerals; too much supplement intake could have adverse side effects; for this reason it is wise to consult a healthcare professional regarding supplement intake.
Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs or botanicals, amino acids and enzymes in tablet, capsule, gel cap form. Powders or liquid drinks may also contain these dietary supplements which are FDA regulated but don’t need to go through rigorous safety testing like medications do.
Some dietary supplements have clear advantages (like calcium and vitamin D for strong bones or folic acid to prevent certain birth defects), while others need further investigation, or could even cause harm. Before taking any dietary supplements, always consult a healthcare professional (doctor, nurse, registered dietitian or pharmacist). They can assist in selecting appropriate supplements according to your needs as well as recommend an optimal dosage and safety dose; additionally they can check labels for various information including the Supplement Facts panel and ingredients.
Vitamins are essential nutrients our bodies need in small doses to function and remain healthy, and most individuals can meet all their vitamin needs by following a well-rounded diet.
Most vitamins can be found in food sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats and fish, with supplements also being readily available.
Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are stored in liver tissue and fat deposits while water-soluble ones like B complex and vitamin C are excreted through urine.
Multivitamin supplements may be useful if your diet lacks variety; however, high doses should only be taken under medical advice; excessive calcium can increase heart disease risk.
Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with defined chemical composition and crystal structure that form naturally, whereas rocks are aggregates of various materials including rocks. To be classified as a mineral, an object must meet six criteria; nonmetallic geologic source, definable chemistry composition, solid under normal conditions and having predictable crystal structure are just some.
As there are over 4000 different minerals, identifying them requires knowledge of their physical properties. This may include streak (the color left when scratching a mineral on white surfaces), luster, hardness, cleavage fracture specific gravity specific gravity as well as fluorescence or magnetism properties. Minerals may also exhibit specific tastes like halite rock salt or have particular odors such as sulfur.
Phytochemicals serve both as antimicrobials and as chemopreventives, helping stop viruses and bacteria from colonizing your body, as well as acting as cancer prevention measures by slowing tumor growth and encouraging abnormal cells to die off more quickly.
Studies conducted through observation have largely demonstrated the advantages associated with phytochemical consumption; those who consume more plant-based diets tend to be less likely to develop chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer, although exactly how these compounds work remains unknown.
Consume an array of colorful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and nuts in order to fill half your plate at each meal with these phytochemical-rich foods. For optimal results, select colorful varieties for vegetables while including some low-caloric, high-flavonoids beans and nuts (though these may increase calorie count). Use the phytochemical family tree as a resource in understanding major phytochemicals.
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but too much or long-term stress can have detrimental consequences on your health. It can affect the immune system, digestive tract and reproductive organs – as well as make you more prone to illness or worsen preexisting conditions.
Good news is that there’s a healthy level of stress called eustress which can help you meet challenges and reach goals more successfully. Eustress can motivate us to take risks that improve performance; such as when going into job interviews or dating for the first time.
However, too much stress can lead to unhealthy behaviors like overeating and smoking, as well as prevent you from getting enough nutrients through diet alone and may reduce how well they’re absorbed by your body.