Organic health foods have grown increasingly popular, yet their exact health benefits remain unclear.
Prospective cohort studies relating organic food consumption with cancer incidence have found correlations, yet these don’t prove cause and effect. One such study discovered that women who regularly consumed organic produce experienced lower risks of non-Hodgkin lymphoma but not breast cancer or soft tissue sarcoma.
Reduced Pesticide Exposure
Studies have demonstrated that switching from non-organic diets to organic ones reduces exposure to pesticide residues. Most research involves testing urine samples from participants who switch over and checking for pesticide metabolites.
Researchers conducted a nine-and-three year follow up of 1,820 women who reported never, sometimes or often eating organic food and found a correlation between frequent organic food consumption and reduced risks for non-melanoma skin cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and breast cancer; it did not correlate with common cancers such as esophageal, colorectal lung pancreas or postmenopausal breast cancers.
More high-quality clinical trials must be completed to substantiate these findings, but early indications show that organic produce consumption significantly lowers dietary pesticide intake. Beyond Pesticides advocates for choosing organic as a means of providing environmental and health benefits for farmers, workers, and rural families – and has provided an online database called Eating with Conscience which shows how to select low residue fruits and vegetables based on legal tolerance levels (the maximum allowable level of chemicals on any crop).
Increased Nutrient Content
Organic health foods have increasingly demonstrated healthier nutritional profiles. A 2019 cluster-randomized crossover study demonstrated this when Cypriot children on an organic diet consumed 40 days with lower pyrethroid and neonicotinoid pesticide metabolite levels than those who consumed conventional meals produced elsewhere.
Studies have also demonstrated that organic fruits, vegetables and grains contain higher concentrations of vitamin C, E and carotenoids as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium; additionally cadmium levels tend to be lower when consumed organically.
Short-term clinical trials have demonstrated some short-term health benefits associated with organic food consumption; however, these results often rely on surrogate markers which could potentially mislead consumers. Long-term whole diet substitution studies will be necessary to ascertain if organic produce and dairy offer genuine measurable health advantages; until then consumers can rest easy knowing their produce and dairy are free of artificial chemicals, hormones and GMOs and offer numerous nutritional advantages.
Less Chemicals in the Environment
Organic farmers don’t utilize synthetic pesticides and herbicides, thus decreasing the amount of chemicals affecting soil and water supplies and thus helping the environment. Some consumers choose organic health foods for ethical reasons as an effort to support farming methods that don’t harm animals.
Research indicates that organic fruits, vegetables and grains contain higher concentrations of certain nutrients compared to conventional versions. One study revealed that organic carrots, lettuce and spinach contain significantly more Vitamin C, iron and magnesium and less nitrates compared with their non-organic counterparts. Furthermore, numerous observational studies have linked organic food consumption with better health outcomes including lower obesity rates as well as decreased risks of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, infertility, recurrent wheeze and allergic sensitisation; however further clinical trials need to confirm results.
Better Taste
Many people opt for organic foods for taste alone. Although various studies have demonstrated their superior flavor over conventional counterparts, most use subjective testing methods which may bias toward an outcome of interest.
Most often when people claim organic food tastes better, they’re simply alluding to an assumption that organic products carry with them an inherently healthier halo effect. While this perception may not always be justified by facts, many organic consumers swear by its distinctive “organic taste.”
When shopping for organic food, be sure to look out for products with the USDA Organic logo – this ensures they comply with government guidelines and are at least 95-100% organic. Organic foods tend to be clean and free from added toxins which helps with digestive health as well as overall wellness. They’re an excellent source of essential nutrients.