Conventional tampons and pads create large quantities of waste, contributing to plastic pollution in oceans and landfills. But with today’s sustainable period products it’s easier than ever to swap out your traditional favorites with eco-friendly alternatives.
These products include reusable menstrual cups (bell-shaped devices that you insert into the vagina) as well as organic, biodegradable and chemical-free tampons and pads.
Menstrual Cups
Menstrual cups are designed with your health and the planet in mind; they’re an eco-friendly alternative to pads and tampons. Constructed of medical grade silicone or latex, menstrual cups can be safely inserted into your vagina to collect menstrual fluid instead of absorbing it like traditional pads do; plus they reduce your risk of TSS and cervical cancer more than traditional products do.
Reduced waste: Tampons and pads produce significant costs savings over their longer lifespan, as well as providing substantial cost-cutting measures.
Menstrual cups are biodegradable products made entirely of compostable material that decompose in less than two years compared to tampons which contain plastic wrappers that take hundreds of years to break down, unlike their plastic-filled counterparts that contain chemicals that disrupt hormones and disrupt your cycles. They may take some getting used to, but once you master their use you’ll love how simple and comfortable they are; unfortunately they can be difficult to use in public restrooms since you must first rinse with either water or an appropriate cleaning solution such as those made for baby bottle nipples before changing!
Reusable Pads
Many women and girls worldwide rely on makeshift materials like old cloth, rags or pieces of mattress to absorb their monthly menstrual flow, leading them to feel uncomfortable and dignified while potentially leading to leakage, cramps or other complications. Furthermore, investing in reusable pads saves money and reduces waste; you only need to purchase them once.
Cloth menstrual pads are typically made of soft fabric such as cotton or flannel that is gentle against your skin, and come in various lengths and thicknesses to meet any need. Cloth pads may take more time to use than disposables due to needing regular pad washings; once you get into a routine though, cleaning them quickly becomes routine and easy! You could also soak or pretreat with stain-fighting solutions in order to eliminate multiple washes altogether.
Organic Disposables
Menstruating women typically throw away over 10,000 period products during their lifetime, such as pads and tampons made of cotton and plastic that take centuries to decompose in landfill sites, as well as having negative consequences on local and marine ecosystems.
Natracare offers organic and plastic-free pads and tampons that are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and safe to use – look for ones without an applicator and with lower ingredient lists to avoid chemicals; you could also try the Dame Reusable Tampon Applicator that comes complete with cotton travel wallet and storage tin for your feminine hygiene needs.
If a menstrual cup or cloth pads don’t suit your lifestyle, look for FDA-cleared organic tampons that have been bleached using non-chlorine methods to reduce exposure to dioxins. Some even feature recycled content! Luckily, textile recycling provides services specifically dedicated to recycling used tampon applicators too!
Period Underwear
Period underwear can provide an eco-friendly option or simply greater comfort during menstruation. Many inclusive menstrual brands utilize certified organic cotton, an eco-friendly material less likely to pollute our planet than conventional tampons and pads, in their production processes.
Flo is a woman-of-color owned company that creates its tampons and pads from chlorine-free organic cotton and plant-based bioplastic, offering applicator-free options with cardboard applicators and plastic-free liners that are biodegradable or compostable liners. Their PFAS-free products can reduce risks linked to ovarian abnormalities, pregnancy complications and low birth weight research studies.
Organic pads and tampons from this brand are made of organic cotton, while their applicators are created from plant-based cellulose and veggie gum glue – free from bleach, plastics, synthetics and dyes as well as offering antimicrobial lining for infection prevention. While not ideal for everyone, organic pads may offer more eco-friendly alternatives than disposables if that’s what’s important to you.