If the side effects of your prescriptions cause discomfort or have the potential for dependency, finding alternatives may be necessary – this is especially relevant if you have developed a substance use disorder.
There may be less high-quality, objective information available about alternative therapies than mainstream treatments; however, you can learn what’s known and make informed choices.
Adjunctive Modalities
Adjunctive modalities are an effective treatment approach that uses multiple therapies concurrently. Their purpose is to offer holistic care by targeting all aspects of disease and providing a more harmonious path toward healing; prescription medication often plays a central role.
Physical modalities are therapeutic methods that use energy transmission through heat, cold, pressure, water, light, sound or electricity to accelerate healing and decrease pain. They have long been an integral component of medical and interventional pain management strategies.
Psychotherapy is an established form of adjunctive therapy that utilizes individual and family counseling to assist patients in becoming aware of their emotions, behaviors, relationships and developing coping skills that improve mental health outcomes. Psychotherapy offers an ideal environment for patients to discuss symptoms with other individuals in a safe and supportive manner while offering valuable treatment outcomes for those struggling with chronic depression or anxiety who do not respond well to medication alone; adding psychological support alongside medication can greatly enhance treatment results.
Holistic therapy emphasizes holistic care rather than treating only symptoms. This type of therapy often includes treatments like herbal remedies, massage or meditation as well as less conventional techniques like biofeedback or reiki – this form is sometimes called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).
Practitioners of holistic therapies believe that physical health relies on a balanced relationship among mind, body and spirit – and when any one aspect of this equation becomes off balance it can have adverse consequences on all three.
Some alternative treatments have been well-studied and found to be effective, while others lack scientific support; nevertheless they may still provide relief when combined with conventional care. Before trying any unconventional remedies it is wise to consult your physician first – speaking to someone close or conducting an online provider search may help find you an holistic provider near you.
Addiction is a chronic brain disease that alters brain structure and function. It impacts people of all ages, backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses and can impact people of any age group or demographic. Addiction has been linked with mental health conditions like depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and bipolar disorder as well as becoming dependent on certain medicines used for pain, anxiety or sleep issues – including antidepressants or pain relievers used as antidotes – with many denying they even have a problem for years despite having treatment options available – though recovery takes patience and perseverance as part of treatment plans.