Finding your ideal CBD dosage may require some trial-and-error. Depending on whether it is being used to address anxiety or sleep issues, its appropriateness will differ for each of them.
Be mindful of any medications you’re currently taking as well. CBD could interact with various blood thinners, antidepressants and immune suppressant medicines like Cyclosporine.
Consider Your Symptoms
How much CBD you need will depend on your symptoms and various personal factors. Finding an optimal dosage may take some trial-and-error; when taking oil tinctures or capsules separately from food or drinks, experimentation may be required to find what is effective. It is a good idea to begin with low dosage levels before increasing gradually over the course of several weeks or months.
Consider whether or not you are taking other medicines and supplements, including CBD. Since CBD may interfere with how your body processes medications such as blood thinners and acetaminophen (Tylenol), dosage changes or schedule adjustments may be necessary in order to avoid an unwanted reaction. Consult with a healthcare provider prior to beginning any new supplement regimen such as CBD as well as any medications you are already taking.
Consider Individual Factors
Different factors can play a part in how much CBD a person requires to manage their symptoms effectively, including individual health goals (for instance, combating anxiety may require higher dosage levels than insomnia) and body chemistry; some medications can increase or decrease its effectiveness.
Studies indicate that CBD may provide anxiolytic effects, with two studies specifically looking at patients suffering from anxiety disorders. Other research points to indirect ways in which it may work such as emotional processing or responding less negatively to negative stimuli.
Most trials include only small numbers of participants, making it hard to generalize results. However, RCTs with large participant populations show that individuals reduced OTC and Rx drug use while experiencing GHS and SS improvement when taking verified CBD concentration products in higher amounts or starting new doses more regularly. Furthermore, one cluster randomized cross-over trial reported that small increment doses of CBD enhanced both extinction and consolidation of fear responses more effectively than placebo treatments.
Consider Your Health Goals
The ideal CBD dosage will depend on several factors, including your condition of treatment, age, sex and weight. A larger body may require additional dosage in order to get similar effects as someone of smaller stature. Furthermore, your type of CBD product and how you take it could have a significant bearing on its efficacy.
Edibles (like gummies ) must travel through your digestive system before being absorbed, taking 30-60 minutes before effects become evident; vaping and oils have much quicker acting effects due to being directly absorbed into the bloodstream.
If you’re not sure where to begin with CBD oil or capsules, start small by taking a small dose and seeing how it affects your symptoms. If necessary, increase your dose gradually until your symptoms have been adequately managed – just make sure you keep track of daily dosage so you can adjust as necessary!
Consider Your Dose
CBD can be used to treat chronic pain, sleep disorders and anxiety. It’s also commonly included in supplements aimed at brain health and weight loss; the right dose depends on many variables; therefore it’s essential that before trying CBD you speak to a healthcare provider as staff at natural health stores may know about this form of therapy but may not know the full scope of your medical history.
As a rule, starting off with the lowest dose possible will ensure you get all the benefits while simultaneously minimizing side effects.
Certain factors may play a part in determining your dose, such as body weight and existing medications. CBD can interact with anticonvulsants like phenobarbital, Lamictal (lamotrigine), Dilantin (phenytoin) and Tegretol (carbamazepine), decreasing the level of clonazepam while increasing other substances – possibly leading to side effects like drowsiness if taken without prior medical advice from a pharmacist who knows your medical history. It is therefore vital that you work with an experienced pharmacist who understands both your medical history as well.