Organic food may be more costly, which makes hospitals wary to switch. But research indicates that choosing organic options could actually improve patient health outcomes.
Supporters of organic food claim that synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, as well as hormones and antibiotics, pose health risks.
1. Boost Your Immune System
The immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that work in collaboration to defend against pathogens that threaten our bodies. A diet rich in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, protein sources, fermented foods and herbs is one effective way of strengthening this protective barrier and helping avoid colds and flu-related illness.
Organic health food options such as salmon contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) which support optimal cell functioning and promote normal inflammation responses. Green tea is another great source of PUFAs, including L-theanine for stress reduction that has been proven to strengthen immunity.
Leafy greens like spinach and kale provide vitamin C, an antimicrobial mineral. Berries provide antioxidant protection while nuts and seeds offer additional immunity boosting nutrients such as vitamin E, magnesium, iron etc.
2. Lower Your Risk of Cancer
Recent research published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that eating organic health food could lower your risk of cancer by 25 percent, according to researchers analyzing diets of people participating in a French government-led health and nutrition study from 2009. People who consumed more organic products were 25% less likely to get cancer than those who rarely or never ate such products.
The team took into account other variables that can contribute to cancer risk, such as age, gender, smoking status and overall diet quality; still the results were compelling and suggest that increasing organic fruit and vegetable consumption might be a worthwhile preventive strategy against cancer.
3. Boost Your Energy Levels
Organic foods contain more nutrients due to being free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers, making them healthier alternatives to nonorganic alternatives. But just because something is labeled organic doesn’t automatically mean it is healthy; processed food like cookies, chips and ice cream still contain high amounts of sugar, salt and calories.
Overall, there is not enough evidence to back the claim that eating organic is more beneficial to health than conventionally grown produce. There are concerns that organic may not be safer, particularly for pregnant women exposed to more pesticides during gestation. Yet organic food consumption continues to grow quickly.
4. Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
The organic movement has garnered much media coverage regarding its health benefits. But you should keep in mind that maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet requires moderation. If possible, try to include organic fruits, vegetables and dairy if your budget permits; otherwise prioritize items from Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list such as strawberries, spinach and apples as they’re likely to contain contaminants while opting for conventional options elsewhere in your food groups.
Dieting, exercising regularly and not smoking are key steps towards heart disease prevention. Organic milk contains more heart-protecting omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally farmed varieties.
5. Lower Your Risk of Diabetes
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey researchers recently conducted a new study which revealed that people who purchase organic foods more often are less likely to develop diabetes, when accounting for factors like age, family history of diabetes, socioeconomic status and lifestyle factors.
Organic foods often boast more omega-3 fatty acids that are heart-healthy and less pesticide residues – chemicals which have been shown to increase chronic disease risks.
As important as organic foods can be, it is wise to choose products with reduced processing. Such organic options often contain added sugars, salts and fats which could still compromise overall health. A well balanced diet should lead to optimal wellness.
6. Lower Your Risk of Cancer
Eating healthily can significantly lower cancer risks and help protect against recurrence, but many patients wonder whether choosing organic products would further lower them.
A French study published in JAMA Internal Medicine on October 23 revealed that adults who consumed more organic fruits and vegetables experienced 25% fewer cases of cancer compared to those on conventional diets, especially non-Hodgkin lymphoma and postmenopausal breast cancer. This effect was particularly notable.
Roswell Park Cancer Institute expert Christine Ambrosone cautions, however, that it may be difficult to ascertain whether organic food consumption reduced cancer risks; rather, participants in the French study may have eaten healthier overall and been less sedentary, potentially decreasing their chances of cancer development.