With such a variety of empty calorie products on the market, healthy drinks are important in helping reduce sugar intake and enhance health. Tea, coffee and juice without added sugar are among the best choices available to consumers.
She enjoys sipping water mixed with orange juice to satisfy her thirst, satisfying the flavor she craves while keeping calorie and sugar consumption to a minimum.
Water is often the optimal beverage, since it doesn’t contain any calories and is readily available. Milk comes in both low-fat and non-fat varieties and makes a nutritious choice as does unsweetened tea and coffee without sweeteners. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, some teas, energy drinks and similar drinks may cause you to urinate more frequently, leading to dehydration.
Staying hydrated means drinking eight cups of fluid each day; for an added fizz, consider sipping on some flavor seltzer water or club soda without added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Many bottled juices, smoothies and packaged fruit drinks contain high amounts of sugar as well as additives or preservatives that could potentially harm our bodies. Drinking more water is especially crucial during periods of intensive exercise or hot or humid climate conditions, traveling to high altitudes or when suffering from diarrhea and vomiting. Drinks fortified with vitamin C could help prevent scurvy while meeting daily folate needs.
Homebrewed tea is one of the healthiest drinks you can consume, packed with natural antioxidants that help fight against cancer and heart disease while slowing aging and potentially lowering risk for osteoporosis. Green and black tea varieties also contain polyphenols with anti-inflammatory effects; these may help protect against chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes.
Tea consumption is linked with reduced lung cancer risk among cigarette smokers, according to a case control study. Furthermore, its EGCG component could protect against neurodegenerative disorders.
Staying hydrated can help keep your mind sharp, aid digestion and balance body temperature. Avoid sugary sodas, energy drinks and alcohol (yes, including mimosas!) which contain empty calories for more health-beneficial beverages like metabolism-enhancing green tea or fatigue-fighting goji berry juice.
Coffee’s health benefits can be attributed to its polyphenols, which contain antioxidants and anti-diabetics with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Furthermore, studies conducted comparing high versus low coffee consumption found significant beneficial associations for 19 health outcomes as compared to three that could potentially be harmful.
Coffee consumption has been associated with reduced risks of diabetes; those consuming four or more cups daily have seen their risk decrease by as much as 30 percent. Furthermore, caffeine stimulates contractions within the gallbladder, helping prevent cholesterol-based gallstone formation.
Juice and smoothies can be nutritious drinks; however, commercial drinks containing sugary sweeteners or additives should be avoided to remain on track with your healthy lifestyle goals. Instead, opt for beverages containing less sugar with natural ingredients, like water or milk; or those containing low-calorie sweeteners like diet soda that have only minimal sweetener amounts.
Fruit Juice
Fresh, unsweetened fruit juice can be part of a nutritious diet; however, most juices don’t provide as many essential nutrients as whole fruits, contain higher concentrations of sugars and contain fewer fibres compared to whole fruits, leading to less satiation, increased energy intake and ultimately weight gain over time.
Additives such as sugars and sweeteners are often present in juice drinks, making it harder for users to reduce these levels. To help minimize this impact, choose 100% juice with no additional sweeteners and consume it moderately.
Juicing fruits and vegetables makes an excellent beverage that provides many essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, soluble and insoluble fibre, and more – providing an alternative to high-sugar beverages like soda.
Consume your fibre through whole fruits and vegetables, which have more fiber content than juices. Furthermore, avoid giving juice directly to children as this increases their risk of tooth decay; drink your juice during meals to slow its absorption of natural fruit sugars.