Staying hydrated is vital for good health, so try opting for healthier beverages such as water instead of sodas.
Many sports drinks on the market contain high levels of sugar and harmful additives, as well as providing your body with extra electrolytes that it may not require.
Vitamin C-rich drinks are known to improve skin elasticity, speed wound healing and protect against scurvy. Try creating your own green juice or turmeric latte at home to reap these benefits!
Water is the ultimate hydratant and should be included as part of every diet plan to prevent excess weight, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, diabetes and other related health problems. Drinking more water helps decrease your risk for excess weight, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, diabetes and other serious medical conditions.
Avoid sugary sodas, lemonade, sweet teas, energy drinks and flavored coffees which contain empty calories; in particular colas may lead to dehydration due to their caffeine content.
Choose low-sugar fruit juices and 100% vegetable juice as healthier beverage options, limiting or avoiding those containing added salt, and synthetic dyes as possible. Infused waters, club soda and seltzers may add additional flavor – garnish plain water or seltzer with slices of citrus fruit or berries to boost antioxidant benefits while some brands of infused water even come with probiotic benefits!
Tea is one of the world’s most beloved beverages, made from the leaves, buds or stems of various species of Camellia plants [1].
Green and black tea contain antioxidant compounds called polyphenols that may protect against heart disease, stroke and cancer. Furthermore, these teas also provide vitamin C which can prevent scurvy.
Many people mistakenly assume all tea contains caffeine, but not all types contain equal amounts. Tea type, temperature of water used and steeping time all impact polyphenol levels; for instance rooibos and chamomile teas naturally lack this component and can be enjoyed warm or iced.
Fruit Juice
Fruit juice can contribute to our daily fibre needs, but for optimal nutrition it should be 100% pure or low in sugar options. Read the ingredient list carefully to identify any added sweeteners such as cane sugar, fructose or fruit syrup that could hinder its effectiveness.
Juice can be an economical and straightforward way to meet nutritional guidelines for fruit intake in children who may be lacking whole fruit consumption. However, in order to ensure adequate dietary fibre intake it should always be combined with whole fruits.
Studies indicate that FJ can provide many of the same health benefits as whole fruit, such as lowering risk factors for obesity and cardiometabolic diseases (blood glucose control and heart disease), as well as providing additional vitamin C and potassium.
Milk contains calcium, vitamin D, potassium and protein. Furthermore, it’s an excellent source of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and niacin; research indicates that drinking milk doesn’t increase your risk for heart disease, diabetes or cancer.
Studies demonstrate that full fat milk does not lead to weight gain and may even help curb appetite. Drinking milk may also improve bone density and decrease the risk of child fractures.
Non-dairy alternatives to cow’s milk include almond, soy, oat and hemp drinks. These beverages typically have less saturated fat and lower calories than dairy milk while many are fortified with essential nutrients such as folic acid, vitamin D and iron; however nutrient content varies between brands so it’s essential that these foods form part of an overall healthy diet.
Though coffee has often been derided for its perceived harmful qualities, it actually contains many healthful components. Coffee contains antioxidants which may slow aging processes while protecting against cancer and dementia; additionally it provides ample amounts of magnesium and potassium which may help regulate blood pressure.
Checking labels when selecting beverages is essential as some drinks marketed as healthy may contain significant amounts of sugar and calories. Be wary of drinks containing added sugars such as sucrose, glucose, maltose fructose as well as syrups such as agave.
Water, green tea and unsweetened orange juice are great choices when selecting a healthy beverage to drink. Coconut water may also help improve skin conditions by replenishing electrolytes and fighting fatigue; other healthy drinks include herbal teas and flavored waters.