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Macronutrients, or large amounts of essential nutrients that the body requires in large amounts such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and water are known as macronutrients. Micronutrients – vitamins and minerals in smaller doses – also play an essential role in body functions.
Carbs (commonly referred to as sugars) provide our body’s primary source of energy and are necessary for all the cells within our bodies to function optimally. Furthermore, carbohydrates supply essential vitamins and minerals.
Sugars and starches can be divided into two distinct categories according to their chemical structures: sugars and starches. Sugars consist of single or double unit molecules that can quickly be broken down for energy storage, such as glucose (fruit sugar), sucrose (table sugar) or lactose (milk sugar).
Starches are longer-chain carbohydrates, providing our bodies with sustained energy for longer. Their best sources include whole grains, vegetables and beans but can also be found in various processed food options.
Fiber, commonly referred to as roughage, refers to plant-based foods that the human body cannot digest or absorb. As it passes largely undigested through stomach, intestine and colon it helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels as well as providing fuel for gut bacteria colonies. Furthermore, it increases stool bulk to relieve constipation while encouraging regular bowel movements.
Add fresh and dried fruit to your diet for an excellent source of fiber – one cup of raspberries contains 8 grams, while an apple contains 4!
A high-fiber diet may reduce your risk for colorectal cancer and inflammatory conditions like diverticulitis (in which pouches form in the colon). Just be careful to gradually add fiber into your diet; too much can cause bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort.
Minerals are inorganic substances found naturally and with distinct chemical composition. Minerals always occur as solids (never liquids or gases).
Mineral properties encompass hardness, cleavage and streaking. Hardness is measured on the Mohs scale with 1 being softest and 10 being hardest. Cleavage refers to how easy a mineral breaks along weak planes. Streaking refers to how its color changes when exposed to light.
Minerals are formed through the bonding of atoms. Atoms with unequal numbers of protons and electrons form positively charged cations; those with equal protons and electrons form negatively charged anions; such as gold, diamonds or graphite used in pencils are examples of minerals. Minerals also serve important health-related purposes like bone formation/maintenance/clotting as well as muscle contraction/contraction.