CBD is typically well tolerated by most users, although some individuals may experience changes to appetite, diarrhea and fatigue as side effects. Furthermore, it may interact with certain medications – antidepressants as well as blood thinner warfarin – potentially increasing side effects or altering dosage requirements.
Epidiolex from GW Pharmaceuticals is currently approved to treat seizure disorders (epilepsy). Additionally, studies are being done with this formulation of CBD for anxiety, pain management and dystonia – three conditions it may help treat.
CBD doesn’t induce a high like THC does, but it can still provide relief from anxiety symptoms and ease physical discomfort associated with anxiety. Available as bath bombs, gummies and oils.
Preliminary evidence and limited clinical studies indicate that CBD could help in treating anxiety disorders; however, further investigation must be completed in order to substantiate these claims. It’s also wise to speak to your physician before starting any new medications, including CBD.
Researchers from CU Boulder discovered that cannabis products with higher concentrations of nonintoxicating CBD help ease anxiety more effectively than THC-dominated ones, potentially helping decrease prescription medication usage as well as treating any underlying conditions that cause it. This could potentially reduce costs related to anxiety treatment while providing another effective option to alleviate discomfort.
Type 1 diabetes
People living with type 1 diabetes cannot produce insulin, a hormone essential for using blood sugar (glucose) for energy production. Therefore, they require daily insulin injections in order to stay healthy.
Manage long-term conditions like diabetes can be challenging, but tools exist to make life simpler. Your healthcare team will assist in teaching daily care such as counting carbs and matching insulin doses to meals.
Untreated diabetes can have serious repercussions. Complications may include inadequate blood flow to your feet and legs, which could result in sores that won’t heal, kidney and eye damage and even neurological conditions such as depression and dementia. Up to 50% of people living with type 1 diabetes develop at least one serious complication over their lifetimes – yet CBD shows great promise as an add-on therapy to manage your condition and manage this disease more effectively.
CBD is an ingredient commonly found in skincare creams and ointments that claim to help alleviate acne and other inflammatory skin conditions, due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to control oil production – the primary cause of acne. Furthermore, its soothing effects also help reduce redness while alleviating discomfort for users.
CBD offers numerous anti-inflammatory benefits and can also increase skin hydration levels – this may prove especially helpful if you struggle with dry skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.
When searching for a CBD skin product, ensure it can be applied topically directly on the skin without chemicals and toxins. NuLeaf Naturals offers an aloe vera-, green tea-, and chamomile extract-infused topical lotion which contains 500 mg full spectrum CBD to both reduce inflammation and moisturize skin cells.
Psoriasis affects people of all ages and may cause thick, scaly patches to form on the body, leading to itchy plaques which itch, burn and sting. Unfortunately, there’s no cure but treatments may help alleviate symptoms.
Studies suggest CBD may help slow the rate of cell division and shed, helping reduce plaque formation while simultaneously decreasing inflammation.
People living with psoriasis who are contemplating adding CBD oil as part of their treatment should first consult their dermatologist. A dermatologist who specializes in psoriasis may offer guidance as to which products to try, how much, as well as any supplements which might ease symptoms; MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), an organic sulfur compound found naturally in food sources can provide great pain-relief and inflammation-reducing relief from its symptoms.
Arthritis is a degenerative joint condition characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness and reduced movement in one or more joints. Additionally, arthritis may lead to fatigue, sleep issues and emotional strain – symptoms may also stem from injury, immune system dysfunction or genetics; over 100 different forms of arthritis exist with some forms being more inflammatory such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) or Lupus while others being neuropathy such as Myofascial Pain Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
CBD is an anti-inflammatory that may help relieve inflammation and joint pain. According to one survey, most arthritis patients who used CBD reported reduced or eliminated usage of other medications altogether.
Most CBD products designed for arthritis treatment consist of creams and salves that you apply directly to the skin, often including pain-relieving ingredients like menthol. Or you could take an oral CBD oil tincture.