An individual’s path to health will differ. Take small, sustainable steps toward living more healthily and build on them over time.
Assimilate a diet low in sugar and rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Get adequate restful sleep each night, exercise regularly, manage stress effectively, maintain social connections and make sure to attend routine health screenings.
A healthy lifestyle can take many forms. For one person, this might mean walking five miles each week, eating fast food only on weekends and spending quality time with loved ones every other day – whatever feels best to them. While each individual should do what is right for them personally, here are a few things everyone should strive to incorporate into their lives:
Exercise can increase energy levels and help improve sleep, while simultaneously lifting mood by releasing feel-good chemicals from your brain and potentially decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety.
According to the new Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week in order to remain healthy. This should include muscle-strengthening exercises that build lean body mass and bone strengthening activities to reduce fracture risk. If budget prohibits gym membership, other means can still meet this standard such as brisk walking and dancing can count towards reaching your 150 minute weekly minimum requirement for activity.
Eat a Balanced Diet
A healthy lifestyle encompasses eating well, exercising regularly and attending health screenings regularly. Individuals will have their own definition of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, so each should find what healthy habits work best for themselves.
Example of healthy lifestyle choices could include sharing two glasses of wine each week with family and friends, while for another it might mean training to run two marathons annually and following a strict keto diet. When making changes to your lifestyle it’s important to be kind to yourself as it takes time for new habits to form.
Eating a balanced diet is vital to good health as it provides our bodies with all of the essential nutrients. These include proteins, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins and minerals. Proteins help build and repair tissues while providing energy and regulating body temperature; carbohydrates provide energy sources while also managing blood glucose levels; fats provide feelings of fullness while aiding our bodies absorb certain vitamins.
Get Enough Sleep
Sleep requirements differ for everyone, but getting sufficient and high quality restful rest is essential to overall health and wellbeing. Sleep can help regulate emotions and maintain positive relationships among individuals while improving memory and learning capacity.
Poor sleep has been linked to poor diet, obesity and serious health conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and depression – as well as leading to workplace errors or fatigued driving. It may even increase workplace accidents.
There are various things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep, such as making sure your bedroom is dark and comfortable and setting regular bedtime and wake times. Also try to cut back on caffeine intake and limit alcohol and junk food that may disturb restful restful slumber; The National Sleep Foundation suggests adults between 18-64 should aim for seven to nine hours each night while people 65 or over should aim for seven to eight.
Manage Stress
Stress is part of life, but it doesn’t have to be its defining characteristic. By learning how to effectively manage it, stress management techniques can help lessen its physical and emotional effects on daily events while building resilience and strengthening your coping mechanisms.
At its core, understanding that you are in charge of your emotions and lifestyle is of utmost importance. If you find yourself binging on junk food or tuning out at home in front of the TV too often, take time to assess your habits and explore healthier means of coping.
An active, healthy lifestyle is a journey unique to each of us. Start small by making simple adjustments in your everyday life, then gradually work toward the lifestyle you envision. If you need assistance getting started, speak to your physician who may recommend resources like registered dietitians or therapists; additionally you may find helpful books, videos or online content which support this pursuit of wellness.