Significant research1-11 reveals that certain healthy habits significantly decrease migraine severity and frequency. Physicians are now encouraged to counsel patients on lifestyle modifications as part of comprehensive headache management strategies.
Maintaining regular sleep, meal and work patterns could help alleviate stress-inducing migraine attacks. Engaging in yoga or meditation might also prove effective in alleviating symptoms.
1. Get Regular Sleep
Many people with migraines find that getting enough quality restful sleep is key to managing their pain. This means waking up and going to bed at the same time each night – even on weekends!
Migraineur brains don’t take well to changes in routine, which is why any sudden change – like sleeping later than expected or getting up earlier on the weekend than usual – could increase the risk of headache. Migraines affect parts of your brain responsible for sleep that also control bodily processes like breathing.
Make sure to get at least eight hours of quality sleep every night, and drink lots of water while exercising – this includes drinking lots during aerobic activities like 30-50 minutes of aerobic activity that release chemicals that block pain signals while also relieving stress. Exercise may help because of how it releases these chemicals that block pain signals and decrease stress.
2. Eat Mindfully
Food can often trigger migraines in certain individuals; aged cheese, chocolate and caffeine are often blamed. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know exactly which dietary triggers will have an effect on each individual.
Some individuals find keeping a food journal helpful in identifying potential triggers. If you believe a particular food to be the cause, try eliminating it from your diet and document the results.
Regular physical activity is another key way to combat migraines, helping manage weight and release chemicals which block pain signals in your brain.
Schedule rest periods throughout the day to lower stress levels, which is one of the leading causes of migraines. A simple step might include taking a short walk or practicing breathing exercises for several minutes at a time; though medicine and lifestyle changes alone will likely not provide long-term solutions.
3. Exercise Regularly
Exercise can help decrease both the frequency and severity of migraine attacks. Exercise increases endorphins – natural painkillers – which increase endorphins production as well as improve sleep patterns that may otherwise be disturbed due to migraine attacks.
Moderate physical activity is recommended for adults. Engage in aerobic activities, such as walking and swimming, for at least 30 minutes three to five times each week for at least 30 minutes of aerobic training. Please check with your physician regarding whether exercising with migraine medications could alter heart rate, blood pressure and muscle activity levels.
Stress relief is also vitally important for people living with migraines. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises have all been shown to significantly decrease stress levels. Other strategies might include trying your luck at something relaxing like painting or volunteering for charity projects.
Although lifestyle changes cannot provide a permanent solution to migraines, they may help significantly decrease their number and intensity. If migraines persist despite these measures, consult a neurologist; they can recommend additional lifestyle adjustments or suggest medication that can manage migraines effectively.
4. Reduce Stress
Stressful events, like weddings, moves and work projects may trigger migraines in people prone to them – or when anticipating such events as exams.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation Biofeedback and exercise may all help alleviate migraine pain. Furthermore, finding an online community where you can swap tips and share experiences amongst fellow migraine sufferers may also prove invaluable.
Consistency is key when managing migraines, so keep a regular sleep/wake cycle in place, even on weekends or holidays. Also try eating healthful meals regularly while staying hydrated.