Menstrual cups are reusable and significantly reduce environmental impact. You can wear one all day without the need for pads or tampons; furthermore, their usage may help avoid TSS (Tampon Related Shock Syndrome), an uncommon but serious complication related to regular periods.
Before using a menstrual cup, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, using water-based lubricants if possible to make the process simpler.
They’re reusable
Menstrual cups (or “cups”) and discs are reusable tampon alternatives designed to collect blood rather than absorb it. Constructed of medical-grade silicone or latex and free from chemicals and fragrances, menstrual cups are typically inserted by folding and pushing against your cervix before pinching its edges to seal and then removed by pinching its edges away from your vagina.
Tights provide more leak protection than tampons, and can be worn up to 12 hours at once. Furthermore, tights may help protect against toxic shock syndrome and vaginal infections.
Menstrual cups can be uncomfortable to insert; however, using water or personal lubricant can make the task much simpler. They may be particularly challenging if this is your first time experiencing menstruation or you have weak pelvic floor muscles; in these instances a smaller cup may provide greater comfort; most companies provide size charts on their websites so you can select one that best fits you.
They’re eco-friendly
Menstrual cups are an eco-friendly solution that reduce the waste that tampons and pads create, as they produce less landfill waste. Furthermore, they’re less likely to cause leakage or odor than their disposable counterparts; some women even find they only need to change them twice per day instead of every four or six hours!
Menstrual Cups are nontoxic, biodegradable devices made of medical grade silicone that is safe for both your health and the environment. You can repurpose one for up to 10 years – making them more cost-effective than tampons and pads! You can find Menstrual Cups both at health food stores and online.
Menstrual cups require some practice to master, but many women find them easier than pads or tampons to use. With its easy rinse-and-use design and minimal packaging or recyclable options (many come packaged without plastic!) saving energy as well as helping the environment – plus these cups don’t contain latex so can even be used by those allergic to latex!
They’re easy to insert
Menstrual cups may seem difficult at first to use, especially for beginners. With practice however, insertion and removal become simpler. Before using your menstrual cup for the first time, read and follow any included instructions, wash your hands thoroughly and add a small drop of lubricant before insertion.
Some women may find it challenging to secure an adequate fit if their uterus is low or abnormal, while others might struggle inserting the cup due to an aversion for touching blood. Overall though, most women who give menstrual cups a try find them easy and straightforward compared to tampons in terms of both ease of use as well as reduced mess and odor levels compared with their use compared with tampons; regular sterilization (similar to baby bottles) will likely also need to be done just once for use when visiting public restrooms!
They’re easy to remove
Menstrual cups can be removed in much the same manner as pads and tampons: by washing your hands thoroughly first to ensure a hygienic process that reduces any risk of infection, then gently feeling around for your cup’s stem in your vulva before pinching to break its seal and remove.
Once the suction has been broken, you can pull the cup out. Though discomfort or pain during removal is normal, if this becomes an issue try trying a different brand or size menstrual cup, or perhaps try switching over to menstrual disc which doesn’t create suction.
Some menstrual cups can move upward in your vaginal canal when used, which is completely normal. If this happens to you, relax your muscles by squatting or sitting down until it descends back down. Once removed from use, empty and rinse in warm soapy water immediately for proper disposal.