Migraines can be incapacitating. Triggered by light, sound or certain foods – more frequently seen among women or those designated female at birth.
Acupuncture and certain medications may provide effective migraine relief. Other treatment options for migraine relief may include dietary modifications, essential oils, acupressure massage therapy and massage may help soothe pain and stress associated with migraine headaches.
Ice packs
Ice packs are an invaluable aid for migraine sufferers. Their analgesic and numbing properties offer relief, making ice packs an essential component of treatment plans for people living with migraine headaches. In a recent clinical trial, targeted neck cooling using silica gel packs significantly decreased pain ratings in participants reporting migraine headaches.
There is an assortment of migraine ice caps available today, from reusable gel to wearable ice wraps. Some come equipped with flexible material to conform to the shape of your head for easy on/off use and replacement; it is important that these protect the skin from direct contact with ice to avoid frostbite.
Note that these methods may only provide temporary relief, since cold temperatures constrict blood vessels, thus decreasing neurotransmission of pain signals to the brain. It is wiser to combine cold therapy with other treatment approaches; such as taking migraine-safe medication such as acetaminophen.
Over-the-counter pain relievers
Many people with migraines rely on pain medications, including over-the-counter (OTC) drugs such as acetaminophen and NSAIDs, to alleviate their symptoms. Finding the ideal medication may take some trial and error – also be wary about mixing multiple OTC medications without first consulting with healthcare specialists as this could lead to “medication overuse headache”.
Ibuprofen and naproxen are among the most frequently prescribed over-the-counter pain relievers for treating migraine. Both medications can be found at your local drugstore as tablets or capsules and should be considered first-line treatments for migraine.
However, if OTC treatments do not prove successful for you, it is crucial that you visit a physician. They may recommend prescription medications which can be more effective than OTC options and/or recommend safe relief tools like cooling caps that could help relieve migraine symptoms. Furthermore, doctors can help identify triggers that cause flare-ups like food which trigger migraine attacks.
Foods that trigger migraines
One of the best ways to prevent migraine attacks is identifying your triggers. These may include foods, stressors and sleep patterns. Stress may be difficult to avoid entirely but there may be ways you can alleviate it or work with a therapist to develop effective coping mechanisms.
Migraine headaches are commonly brought on by fluctuations in hormone levels. Women experiencing menstrual migraines experience a sudden reduction in estrogen just prior to starting their period, which often results in headaches and sinus pressure. If this sounds familiar to you, try eating more cruciferous vegetables and taking magnesium supplements to alleviate symptoms.
Avoiding foods containing tyramine and phenylalanine may also provide relief, as these substances can trigger migraine attacks by stimulating the release of nitric oxide which dilates blood vessels in the brain, potentially triggering pain for some migraine sufferers; however, their long-term removal could have detrimental effects on health – so avoidance is not advised.
Stress management
Stress is one of the primary migraine triggers. Stress increases frequency and severity of migraine attacks, so to break this cycle it’s crucial to identify and manage your stress levels to help avoid inducing headaches.
Staying well rested can also help, with enough sleep helping to reduce stress hormones and enhance migraine medication effectiveness. Find a sleep schedule that works for you and stick with it!
Stress-relieving activities such as yoga, meditation and acupuncture may also help. Exercise may also provide relief. keeping a journal about thoughts and emotions. receiving help from support groups. practicing the 4-7-8 breathing technique is also effective; simply inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale with a whoosh for 8 seconds then inhale again as you exhale.