Healthy drinks can provide essential nutrition and aid in proper hydration. Coconut water, for instance, offers natural electrolyte replenishment while still offering less sugar and calories than most beverages on the market.
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants that may help to alleviate stress and support immunity, while its lignans may reduce cancer risks.
Freshly Squeezed Juices
Juices made from whole fruits and vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can boost your immunity while supporting digestive health.
Many stores, health food stores and cider mills sell freshly squeezed juice without pasteurization to be sold to their customers, which may contain bacteria that cause illness and should therefore not be consumed.
As soon as you open a fresh-squeezed glass of juice, take care to sip and chew slowly and thoroughly so your body can more readily absorb its nutritional benefits. Furthermore, sipping slowly allows your body to more effectively assimilate these vital elements of health, and sipping on an empty stomach promotes production of healthy digestive enzymes which in turn help alleviate bloating and gas issues. It is also crucial that water be consumed throughout the day to stay properly hydrated.
Homemade Smoothies
Fruit is chock-full of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for heart health. Women, and those assigned as female at birth require two to three servings a day while those assigned male require four or more daily servings.
Smoothies can be an enjoyable way of including whole foods in your diet while providing an alternative to sugary drinks, but beware of too much natural sugar in them if you have diabetes or another health condition which makes too much excess sugar harmful.
Add protein powder, healthy fats such as nuts or seeds, or health-promoting spices like cinnamon and ginger for optimal results. Any sticky ingredients like honey or syrup must first be blended into liquid to avoid sticking to your blender’s blades.
Green Tea
Green tea has gained worldwide prominence as a healthy beverage that boosts energy and aids with weight loss. It may owe much of its appeal to its antioxidant properties – particularly epigallocatechin gallate-3 or EGCG – while anticancer benefits of green tea have also been touted.
Green tea may cause upset stomach linings to become upset, leading to acid reflux or abdominal discomfort, and interfering with absorption of certain vitamins and minerals, like iron. Therefore, for this reason it’s recommended that tea be consumed between meals; decaffeinated options are also an option; just remember to drink in moderation! Stay hydrated too if consuming green tea regularly!
Mint is an exceptionally versatile herb, capable of being utilized in numerous ways. From creating delicious mint tea, to adding it to salads and other dishes, mint offers endless opportunities for use.
Peppermint and spearmint contain organic compounds with unique aromatic and cooling effects, including menthol (found in peppermint) and pulegone (present in pennyroyal and Corsican mint). Mint can also be found as an integral ingredient of herbal blends to soothe upset stomachs, improve brain function, or mask bad breath.
One should strive to drink mint water throughout all four seasons as it helps stave off unhealthy cravings and curb constipation, regulate body temperature, optimise natural detox, maintain electrolyte balance and boost mood by decreasing overthinking. Plus, mint water provides ample amounts of iron, folate and vitamin A!
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera juice or smoothies made with aloe vera can be an effective way to increase hydration, nutrition intake and improve digestive health. Aloe contains 19 essential and required amino acids as well as anti-inflammatory sterols and salicylic acid with pain-killing properties.
Aloe vera not only acts as a natural laxative but it can also help prevent scurvy and regulate high blood pressure. Furthermore, its activating fibroblast cells causes collagen production which promotes skin tightening while simultaneously decreasing wrinkles.
Consuming aloe vera provides your body with ample vitamin C – an antioxidant known to fight inflammation. Furthermore, aloe supports immunity while aiding iron absorption.
Holy Basil
Holy basil (tulsi in Indian Ayurvedic medicine) is widely recognized as an “elixir of life”, helping promote longevity, balance bodily processes and enhance respiratory health.
Studies reveal that Tulsi is an adaptogen, meaning it helps reduce stress and boost immunity, as well as regulate cortisol levels and increase energy.
Studies have shown it can help treat anxiety, depression and other mood disorders effectively. Furthermore, its antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic and hepatoprotective properties make it particularly suitable to reduce risk of heart disease and cancer. Furthermore, pregnancy or breastfeeding women as well as people taking medications affecting blood sugar such as insulin or sulfonylureas should avoid using CBD products.