More and more beverage manufacturers are turning to natural energizing ingredients such as green tea, coffee and yerba mate to power their drinks, forgoing artificial sweeteners and synthetic coloring.
Kefir beverages made with fermented milk contain probiotics that may help treat yeast infections, diarrhea, IBS and other digestive issues, while providing calcium and vitamin D benefits.
Green Tea
Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages on Earth. Packed full of polyphenol antioxidants that offer numerous health benefits to the body – from inflammation reduction and weight loss aiding, cognitive support, cholesterol-reducing properties as well as lower triglyceride levels – green tea makes a nutritious beverage choice that’s worth drinking daily!
Green tea’s primary active component, epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG, has garnered much interest among researchers and healthcare practitioners alike. Studies have linked EGCG with lower risks of cancer as well as improving chemotherapy treatments’ efficacy.
Green tea can help reduce chronic inflammation that contributes to cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and other health conditions. Additionally, drinking tea on a regular basis is an easy way to promote good health – however beware caffeine levels in certain varieties as this could trigger digestive issues in some people.
Mint is one of the most versatile herbs around, used in tea, sauces, desserts and even chewing gum! Mint (also known as mentha) belongs to over a dozen plant species and contains cooling effects while improving breath. You’ll likely encounter it as part of mint tea, alcoholic drinks and even chewing gum!
Health drinks can be an excellent way to promote wellbeing, but many on the market contain unhealthy ingredients. Fancy coffee beverages contain 170 grams or more of sugar!
Choose natural drink options that offer plenty of nutritional advantages. Think carefully about your health goals and search for organic juices or beverages that can boost energy levels, aid digestion, promote detoxification or support sleep. On a tight budget? Look for products with good value-for-money considerations when looking at bottle size, standard of ingredients used and cost per serving; health drinks containing tart cherry juice have become increasingly popular as their high concentration of phytochemicals may provide relief from insomnia while increasing immunity.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera plant’s gel helps soothe sunburn and other skin ailments when applied directly to it, and also serves as a moisturizer, helping the skin remain plump and healthy. Aloe contains the enzyme bradykinase which reduces inflammation; additionally, there are anti-inflammatory anthraquinones, fatty acids and vitamins A-E found in this aloe vera product.
Aloe vera contains high concentrations of antioxidants that fight free radicals that damage cells and cause chronic health conditions, making it an invaluable plant to use as medicine since ancient Egypt.
Studies suggest that aloe vera water or juice consumption may help improve skin, digestive and oral health, reduce heartburn and improve diabetic control of blood sugar. Further investigation may even prove its worth as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome; more research needs to be conducted in this regard. When purchasing aloe vera juice or water be sure to read labels carefully as sweeteners increase its sugar and calorie content significantly.
Holy Basil
Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum or Ocimum sanctum), more commonly known by its Hindi name “tulsi,” is an adaptogenic herb which helps your body manage stress more effectively while supporting immunity function. You can consume tulsi through drinking tea, essential oil applications or eating it raw – Tulsi originates on the Indian subcontinent and has been utilized as part of Ayurveda medicine for over 3000 years.
Tulsi can be used to treat respiratory, gastrointestinal and skin conditions. Studies conducted in Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine indicate its antidepressant qualities can also help relieve anxiety symptoms.
Holy basil may interact with cholesterol medications, diabetes medications and certain immune-system enhancing or suppressing medications, so be sure to consult your physician prior to taking it if you take any of these medicines. It can cause blood-thinning when combined with aspirin, heparin or other blood thinners; and interfere with clot-forming drugs including ibuprofen and naproxen which could also make blood thinning worse.