Everyday, our bodies come into contact with millions of germs from outside sources. Personal hygiene practices help protect us by decreasing the number of bacteria which could potentially cause illness.
The vulva is a delicate area which must be cared for carefully as overzealous cleaning can change its pH level and damage beneficial microflora that provides protection.
Wash your hands
Hand washing should be one of the top personal hygiene practices for women to do regularly in order to prevent the spread of germs that cause illnesses like gastroenteritis or other forms of infectious disease.
Soak your hands in clean, running water and apply soap. Rub your hands together until a rich lather forms – getting in between fingers and under nails as well. Scrub for at least 20 seconds by humming “Happy Birthday” twice through as an indicator of time spent exfoliating hands.
Before handling food or using the bathroom, washing your hands thoroughly is recommended to protect yourself and others from germs. Regular soap can just as effectively kill germs as antibacterial handwashing products.
Change your sanitary pads
Regular sanitary pad changes are one of the most essential practices during menstruation for maintaining good hygiene and decreasing infection risks. Reusable pads that remain saturated with blood and moisture create an ideal environment for bacteria growth and increase infection risks.
Before changing a sanitary pad, always wash your hands to ensure they are hygienic. After this step, place the new pad with its glue side facing down into your underwear, pressing into place with both hands to ensure it remains in the center before pulling up your pants.
Changing tampons every 4 hours to reduce infection and TSS is recommended, using ones with the lowest absorbency level suitable for your flow. If you prefer using reusable menstrual cups instead, ensure they are cleaned regularly per their product instructions.
Wear the right underwear
How you wear and wash your panties can have a major effect on your vulva health, which is why we scoured through lingerie drawers and spoke to an OB-GYN to compile a list of key underwear rules you should follow.
Natural, breathable fabrics are best suited to support vaginal health. Synthetic materials tend to trap heat and moisture, leading to unpleasant odors and yeast infections.
When purchasing new underwear, make sure that it contains high-quality cotton that breathes well and moisture wicking fabrics that pull sweat away from the skin to help you remain cool and dry during workouts. Also look for underwear designed with moisture wicking properties; these will wick sweat away quickly to keep you dry during your sessions. When washing underwear separately from other clothing to save both time and money. Doing this allows germs and viruses to spread more effectively!
Wear a condom or vaginal lubricant
Vaginal lubricant can reduce discomfort during sexual encounters and the risk of urinary tract infections, vaginitis, and other issues caused by dry vaginal tissue. It’s especially useful for teens entering menopause when estrogen levels decrease.
Make sure to maintain good vaginal hygiene by wiping from front to back after each time you urinate – this prevents bacteria from spreading from your anal area to your vulva and vice versa.
Clean your vulva gently using mild soap or hypoallergenic liquid wash with a pH between 4.2 and 5.6. Baby wipes, douches or antiseptic creams should not be used because these can irritate skin and disrupt the balance of bacteria that reside there. It is also important to change tampons/pads frequently during your period and wash hands both before and after handling pads/tampons.
Keep your vagina clean
Walking down the feminine products aisle will reveal all sorts of flowery products claiming they have what your vagina needs to stay fresh and clean, but is that actually necessary?
Your body has its own natural way of keeping an area clean by producing discharge, which consists of mucus, fluid and cells. Washing too often may upset this balance and encourage harmful bacteria growth in that area.
Instead, gently rinse your vulva while in the shower or bath, taking care not to direct any water directly towards your labia or vagina and using soaps or harsh shampoos in this area. If an odor or increased discharge arises, seek medical advice immediately.