Utilizing pre-workout supplements can be an invaluable asset to getting more from your workout sessions. They often include ingredients like creatine, beta-alanine, and caffeine that enhance exercise performance.
Creatine is one of the top workout supplements recommended by sports scientists, helping athletes build strength and endurance for increased reps during high intensity training sessions.
Pre-workout supplements
Pre-workout supplements are designed to increase energy levels and performance during exercise. They typically include ingredients researched by researchers as potential boosters of athletic performance. Although popular among fitness enthusiasts, pre-workout supplements do pose some risks, including increasing heart rate and systolic blood pressure; increasing diastolic pressure; which measures pressure between heartbeats – something which could prove dangerous if someone suffers from conditions that result in elevated diastolic blood pressure (congestive heart failure or coronary artery disease).
Athletes who take pre-workout supplements regularly may experience adverse side effects, including headaches, skin conditions, tingling sensations and stomach upset. These effects could be caused by caffeine and other stimulants present in these products; thus it is advised that athletes only take them if approved by their physician and as part of a healthy diet and training routine.
Benefits of Pre-Workout Supplements
Fitness enthusiasts may have noticed that some days they feel dismotivated to hit their gym sessions. A good pre-workout can give an extra boost on these occasions; being designed specifically to increase intensity for higher muscle growth and cardiovascular benefits.
These supplements typically come in powder form that you mix with water before exercising, and contain ingredients such as amino acids, beta-alanine, caffeine, creatine and sweeteners. Each product varies in terms of how much each ingredient appears – some even use proprietary blends on their labels that conceal this information – meaning you could end up taking too little of what has been shown to improve performance.
Pre-workout products that have been third-party tested are the safest choice, as this will guarantee they contain only beneficial ingredients. Furthermore, it would be wise to opt for pre-workouts without artificial flavors and sweeteners which might cause allergic reactions in you.
Research on Pre-Workout Supplements
While evidence exists suggesting pre-workout supplements can aid in increasing strength and endurance during workouts, more research needs to be conducted in order to ascertain their true efficacy. Unfortunately, most existing research on these products lasted only 8-12 weeks, which is insufficient time to establish whether they are safe over the long-term.
However, current research on pre-workout supplements indicates they are generally safe when consumed in moderation. If you choose to use them, make sure that you follow your physician’s advice and read labels thoroughly; furthermore be sure to hydrate well both during and after workouts with water.